Case Reports
[Crack-syndrome: the pulmonary complications of inhaled cocaine. A review a propos a case report].
A 45-year-old patient developed shortness of breath, intensive cough, hemoptysis, chest pain and acute bilateral pulmonary infiltrates following the inhalation of crack-cocaine. The bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy revealed infiltrations of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and the formation of foreign body granulomas. The diagnosis of a crack-syndrome was made and the patient rapidly improved under temporary discontinuation of cocaine inhalation and symptomatic therapy. ⋯ Therefore the lungs become the principal organs exposed and affected. In addition to our findings, diffuse damage of the alveolar wall and capillary injury due to vasoconstriction and toxic action were reported, in some cases rapidly progressing into pulmonary oedema and ARDS. As the consumption of crack cocaine in Germany has markedly increased over the past decade, a higher prevalence of the reported syndrome has to be assumed.