Journal of psychopharmacology
Erratum for Psychomotor effects, pharmacokinetics and safety of the orexin receptor antagonist suvorexant administered in combination with alcohol in healthy subjects by Hong Sun, Ka Lai Yee, Sean Gill, Wen Liu, Xiaodong Li, Deborah Panebianco, Eric Mangin, Dennis Morrison, Jacqueline McCrea, John A Wagner, and Matthew D Troyer. J Psychopharmacol November 2015 29: 1159-1169, first published on October 13, 2015 doi:10.1177/0269881115609015In the print issue of the journal, on page1165 of the article, panels (c) and (d) of Figure 1 are duplicates. The references (contained in the results section of the publication, page 1164) to Figure 1 are incorrect. Please refer to the online version for the corrected version.