The Iowa orthopaedic journal
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are among the most common orthopaedic procedures performed in the United States annually. As the number of patients undergoing these procedures increases so too does the incidence of periprosthetic femur fractures. A number of these periprosthetic fractures occur between two ipsilateral implants, so-called interprosthetic fractures. Recent biomechanical data has challenged the importance of these interprosthetic distances, relating that cortical width and osteoporotic bone are more closely correlated with fracture than interprosthetic distance. The purpose of the current study is to further define the presence of osteoporosis, cortical width (CW) and medullary diameter (MD) as potential predictive factors for interprosthetic femur fractures. ⋯ Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes were used to identify a cohort of patients undergoing operative treatment for periprosthetic femur fractures. A review of the medical records identified 23 patients (5 male / 18 female) with a femur fracture between two intramedullary implants. CPT codes were also used to identify a second cohort of 25 patients (8 male / 17 female) having undergone ipsilateral THA and TKA. The intact femoral isthmus was identified radiographically and the MD and CW (mm) were measured. A ratio of MD to CW was also determined. Chart review was undertaken and any diagnosis of osteoporosis was recorded. An independent sample T-test was performed comparing the mean MD, CW, and the ratio of MD:CW for these groups. Significance was set at p.
Spinal fusion surgery is an effective but costly treatment for select spinal pathology. Historically iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) has remained the gold standard for achieving successful arthrodesis. Given well-established morbidity autograft harvest, multiple bone graft replacements, void fillers, and extenders have been developed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vivo efficacy and safety of two mineralized collagen bone void filler materials similar in composition. Both bone void fillers were composed of hydroxyapatite (HA), tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and bovine collagen. The first test article (Bi-Ostetic bioactive glass foam or "45S5") also contained 45S5 bioactive glass particles while the second test article (Formagraft or "FG") did not. 45S5 and FG were combined with bone marrow aspirate and iliac crest autograft and compared to ICBG in an established posterolateral spine fusion rabbit model. ⋯ This study has confirmed the biocompatibility, safety, efficacy and bone healing characteristics of the HA-TCP collagen (with or without 45S5 bioactive glass) composites. The results show that the 3 test groups had equivalent long-term fusion performance and outcome at 12 weeks. However, the presence of 45S5 bioactive glass seemed to accelerate the fusion process as evidenced by the higher fusion rates at 4 and 8 weeks for the HA-TCP-collagen composite containing bioactive glass particles. The results also demonstrate that the HA-TCP-45S5 bioactive glass-collagen composite used as an extender closely mirrors the healing characteristics (i.e. amount and quality of bone) of the 100% autograft group.
The end screw in a fracture plate creates the greatest resistance to bending. For osteoporotic fractures treated with plates, there is some question as to the optimal screw insertion technique for the screw farthest from the fracture. A locked, oblique end screw was previously shown to increase resistance to periprosthetic fracture. It is unknown, however, how this end screw configuration would resist pullout when subjected to bending. ⋯ Osteoporotic fractures are challenging to treat. The current study and the existing literature show that resistance to both bending loads and refracture at the end of a plate are minimized with a locked screw angled away from the fracture.
Displaced lateral condyle humeral fractures in children are treated operatively to maximize function and growth of the elbow. Traditionally an open approach is used for reduction of the fracture, but recent series have shown promising results with closed reduction. Percutaneous pins are typically used for fixation, no matter the reduction method. This retrospective review compares our experience with early complications after open and closed reduction of these fractures. ⋯ IV.
Observational Study
Dynamic Fixation of Humeral Shaft Fractures Using Active Locking Plates: A Prospective Observational Study.
Rigid locked plating constructs can suppress fracture healing by inhibiting interfragmentary motion required to stimulate natural bone healing by callus formation. Dynamic fixation with active locking plates reduces construct stiffness, enables controlled interfragmentary motion, and has been shown to induce faster and stronger bone healing in vivo compared to rigid locking plates. This prospective observational study represents the first clinical use of active locking plates. It documents our early clinical experience with active plates for stabilization of humeral shaft fractures to assess their durability and understand potential complications. ⋯ Absence of failure of the plate and locking holes suggests that dynamic fixation of humeral shaft fractures with active plates provides safe and effective fixation. Moreover, early callus bridging and excellent functional outcome scores suggest that dynamic fixation with active locking plates may promote increased fracture healing over standard locked plating.