Respiratory medicine
Respiratory medicine · Jan 2007
Comparative StudyThe use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in COPD with severe hypercapnic acidosis.
To compare the effect of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) in severely acidotic with mildly acidotic patients with acute hypercapnic chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). ⋯ Noninvasive ventilation is effective in the treatment of patients with severe acidosis due to acute hypercapnic COPD.
Respiratory medicine · Jan 2007
Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation in the management of bronchial stenosis following lung transplantation.
Bronchial stenosis (BS) is currently found in 7-15% of lung transplantation (LT) recipients. Current treatment strategies have included Nd:Yag laser, cryotherapy, bougie dilatation and stent placement. Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation has been used as alternative treatment in a few cases with controversial results. This is a study to prospectively assess the efficacy of bronchoscopic balloon dilatation as a first step in the management of post-LT BS. ⋯ Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation is a safe method that should be considered as first therapeutic treatment of post-LT BS. Its use avoids the need for stent placement in up to 50% of cases.
Respiratory medicine · Jan 2007
Stenting allows weaning and extubation in ventilator- or tracheostomy dependency secondary to benign airway disease.
Central airway obstruction can cause severe respiratory insufficiency leading to mechanical ventilation (MV) or artificial airway (AA) dependency. Interventional bronchoscopic procedures have been reported to be of help in weaning patients with malignant airway stenoses from mechanical ventilation, whereas their use in benign disease is only anecdotal. The objectives of this study are to evaluate early, intermediate and long-term outcome of interventional bronchoscopy and stent placement in the treatment of MV/AA dependency due to benign airway obstruction. ⋯ Minor complications occurred in 6 patients (40%) leading to a second intervention. All complications could be managed endoscopically and long-term follow up was uneventful. Interventional bronchoscopy with stent insertion can allow successful withdrawal from MV/AA and can offer longstanding airway patency in selected ventilator- or tracheostomy-dependant individuals with benign airway stenoses,when surgery in not feasable or contra-indicated.
Respiratory medicine · Jan 2007
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation prevents postoperative pulmonary complications in chronic ventilators users.
To evaluate the postoperative pulmonary complications and the long-term impact on pulmonary function of different surgical procedures with general anaesthesia in chronic respiratory failure (CRF) patients who were using noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV). ⋯ In high-risk patients with chronic respiratory failure as a consequence of a restrictive lung pathology, NPPV can play an important role to confront surgical procedure with general anaesthesia with greater security. To obtain these results, it was fundamental to coordinate between the Pulmonary Services and the Anaesthesia Services as well as to follow up jointly in the PRU.