Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Jan 2006
ReviewAnesthesia for minimally invasive cranial and spinal surgery.
The field of minimally invasive neurosurgery has evolved rapidly in its indications and applications over the last few years. New, less invasive techniques with low morbidity and virtually no mortality are replacing conventional neurosurgical procedures. ⋯ This review calls attention to the anesthetic issues in various minimally invasive neurosurgical procedures for cranial and spinal indications. Among the procedures specifically discussed are endoscopic third ventriculostomy, endoscopic transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, endoscopic strip craniectomy, deep brain stimulation, video-assisted thorascopic surgery, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, cervical discectomy and foraminectomy, and laparoscopically assisted lumbar spine surgery.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Jan 2004
ReviewEffects of anesthetic agents and physiologic changes on intraoperative motor evoked potentials.
Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) have shown promise as a valuable tool for monitoring intraoperative motor tract function and reducing postoperative plegia. MEP monitoring has been reported to contribute to deficit prevention during resection of tumors adjacent to motor structures in the cerebral cortex and spine, and in detecting spinal ischemia during thoracic aortic reconstruction. ⋯ Understanding the effects of anesthetic agents and physiologic alterations on MEPs is imperative to increasing the acceptance and application of this technique in the prevention of intraoperative motor tract injury. This review is intended as an overview of the effects of anesthetics and physiology on the reproducibility of intraoperative myogenic MEP responses, rather than an analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of this monitoring method in the prevention of motor injury.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Jan 2004
ReviewSecondary injuries in brain trauma: effects of hypothermia.
Hypothermia has been shown to be cerebroprotective in traumatized brains. Although a large number of traumatic brain injury (TBI) studies in animals have shown that hypothermia is effective in suppressing a variety of damaging mechanisms, clinical investigations have shown less consistent results. The complexity of damaging mechanisms in human TBI may contribute to these discrepancies. ⋯ Included are recently published clinical data using hypothermia as a therapeutic tool for preventing or reducing the detrimental posttraumatic secondary injuries and neurobehavioral deficits. Also discussed are recent successful applications of hypothermia from outside the TBI realm. Based on all available data, some general considerations for the application of hypothermia in TBI patients are given.