Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad · Jul 2005
Clinical TrialApplication of alvarado scoring system in diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
In conditions like acute appendicitis it is impractical to have definitive diagnosis by gold standard test (histopathology) before surgery, we would like a simple test like Alvarado scoring system which depends on the presence and absence of certain variables and which provides an accurate guide to whether or not the patient has the condition. This study was conducted to evaluate Alvarado scoring system for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in our set up. ⋯ This scoring system is easy, simple and cheap complementary aid for supporting the diagnosis of acute appendicitis especially for junior surgeons.
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad · Jul 2005
Iron deficiency anaemia in moderate to severely anaemic patients.
Anaemia is defined as a clinical abnormality characterized by reduction in haemoglobin concentration below the normal for age, sex, physiological condition and altitude from the sea level of a person. It can be of different types, the commonest being iron deficiency anaemia which affects mostly pregnant and lactating females and growing children in the developing world. The present study was conducted at Ayub Teaching Hospital on this problem of global importance. ⋯ Iron deficiency anaemia is the commonest type of anaemia in our area. It is more common in females. It is more common in age group 21-60 years, with two peaks, one in 21-30 years and the other in 41-50 years.