Teaching and learning in medicine
Medical societies in emergency medicine (EM) have recommended teaching EM topics in the preclinical years of medical school. However, the magnitude of integrating an EM curriculum into the 1st and 2nd year of medical school is unknown. ⋯ Most U.S. medical schools provide EM exposure in the first 2 years of medical school, lasting slightly more than 2 weeks in length most frequently covering multiple topics.
Because of the importance of faculty evaluation data for faculty development, promotion, reappointment, and remuneration, the quantity and characteristics of evaluation data need study. ⋯ The profile and precision of assessments for an individual will vary based on the number, timing, and source of ratings. Decisions based on similar data should be made with caution.
One goal of program directors is to attract and retain high-quality residents. It is therefore important to study attrition of residents to determine specific cohorts that may be less likely to complete residency training. ⋯ Attrition from these programs remains a small but persistent issue. In addition, the differences in termination and transfer rates for the 2 years of the study were greater than the differences in rates between U.S. and international medical graduates.