Teaching and learning in medicine
Burnout is reported to be epidemic among physicians and medical trainees, and wellness has been the predominant target for intervention in academic medicine over the past several years. However, both burnout and wellness suffer from a lack of standardized definition, often making interventions difficult to generalize and extrapolate to different sites. Although well-meaning, current frameworks surrounding wellness and burnout have limitations in fully addressing the challenges of improving physician mental health. Wellness as a framework does not inherently acknowledge the adversity inevitably experienced in the practice of medicine and in the lives of medical trainees. During a crisis such as the current pandemic, wellness curricula often do not offer adequate frameworks to address the personal, organizational, or societal crises that may ensue. This leaves academic institutions and their leadership ill-equipped to appropriately address the factors that contribute to burnout. More recently, resilience has been explored as another framework to positively influence physician wellness and burnout. Resilience acknowledges the inevitable adversity individuals encounter in their life and work, allowing for a more open discussion on the tensions and flexibility between facets of life. However, emphasizing personal resiliency without addressing organizational resiliency may leave physicians feeling alienated or marginalized from critical support and resources that organizations can and should provide. ⋯ If the frameworks of burnout and wellness are limited, and personal resilience by itself is inadequate, what framework would be helpful? We believe that focusing on organizational resilience and the connecting dimensions between organizations and their physicians could be an additional framework helpful in addressing physician mental health. An organization connects with its members along multiple dimensions, including communication, recognition of gifts, shared vision, and sense of belonging. By finding ways to positively affect these dimensions, organizations can create change in the culture and mental health of physicians and trainees. Educational institutions specifically would be well-served to consider organizational resilience and its relationship to individuals.