Seminars in dialysis
Seminars in dialysis · May 2019
EditorialWhen to stop renal replacement therapy in anticipation of renal recovery in AKI: The need for consensus guidelines.
There is wide variation in clinical practice regarding timing of discontinuation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). Prolonged, unnecessary RRT treatment can contribute to length of stay, overall hospital costs, and risk of complications associated with RRT. In addition, prolonged RRT can paradoxically lengthen the time for which the patient remains dialysis-dependent. ⋯ We emphasize the importance of frequent clinical assessment while considering discontinuation of RRT for AKI patients with a creatinine clearance >15 mL/min on a timed urine collection and/or a urine output >400 mL/24 h without diuretics, or >2000 mL/24 h with diuretics. We also discuss newer biomarkers, methods of GFR estimation, and imaging techniques that may play a greater role in the future. Clinical trials objectively comparing the success of RRT discontinuation criteria will be required to provide high-quality evidence for our proposed guidelines.
Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is a common and often distressful complication of hemodialysis. However, despite its clinical significance, there is no consensus, evidence-based medical definition for the condition. ⋯ Most existing IDH definitions are comprised of one or more of the following components: (1) intradialytic BP criteria (requisite BP declines or minimum BP thresholds), (2) the provision of interventions aimed at restoring effective arterial volume, and/or (3) patient-reported symptoms. Remarkably, there are insufficient data to inform IDH definition construction, and it remains unknown if a single, universal definition can adequately capture the condition across patient subgroups, and in clinical and research settings.
While oral diuretics are commonly used in patients with chronic kidney disease for the management of volume and blood pressure, they are often discontinued upon initiation of dialysis. We suggest that diuretics are considerably underutilized in peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis patients despite numerous potential benefits and few side effects. ⋯ In patients on haemodialysis, diuretics can help lessen interdialytic weight gain, resulting in decreased ultrafiltration rates and fewer episodes of intradialytic hypotension. This paper will review the mechanism of action of diuretics in patients with renal insufficiency, quantify the risk of side effects and elaborate on the potential advantages of diuretic use in peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients with residual kidney function.
Appropriate antibiotic dosing in critically ill, infected, patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is crucial to improve patient outcomes. Severe sepsis and septic shock result in changes in pharmacokinetic parameters, including increased volume of distribution, hypoalbuminemia, and changes in renal and nonrenal clearances. The lack of CRRT standardization, nonrecognition of how CRRT variability affects antibiotic removal, fear of antibiotic toxicity, and limited drug dosing resources all contribute to suboptimal antibiotic therapy. ⋯ Application of these older doses in Monte Carlo simulation studies reveals that many of the recommended dosing regimens will never attain pharmacodynamic targets. In this review, using cefepime as an example, we illustrate whether clinicians are likely to achieve pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic targets when the recommended dosing regimens are prescribed in this patient population. We encourage clinicians to aggressively dose antibiotics with large loading dose and higher maintenance doses to reach the targets.