Laryngo- rhino- otologie
Laryngo- rhino- otologie · Jul 1995
[Computerized manometry concept for site-specific reconstruction of the pharynx and pharyngo-esophageal transition].
Fifty-three patients who underwent laryngopharyngeal cancer surgery were examined with a sequential computer manometry system using 4-channel pressure probes. Swallowing coordination is largely independent of the oropharyngeal pressure thrust nor of the pharyngeal transit time and depends mainly on initiation of swallowing. The points of interest are the pharyngeal entrance and outlet. ⋯ For that purpose we modified the myofascial pectoralis-major-flap. It covers defects where a soft lining is required. The resistance to bolus flow is reduced, alleviating the need to increase the driving force of the tongue which would otherwise increase to compensate for the defect.