The British journal of dermatology
Regional lymph node involvement is the most important prognostic factor in cutaneous melanoma. As only 20% of patients with melanoma have occult nodal disease and would benefit from a regional lymphadenectomy, the sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was introduced. Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence has been hypothesized to improve SLN mapping. ⋯ This study demonstrates feasibility and accuracy of SLN mapping using ICG: HSA. Considering safety, cost and pharmacological characteristics, an ICG: HSA concentration of 600 μmolL(-1) appears optimal for SLN mapping in cutaneous melanoma, although lower doses need to be assessed.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with methyl aminolaevulinate (MAL) is an approved noninvasive treatment option for basal cell carcinoma (BCC). In vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a noninvasive imaging technique that has proved useful for in vivo real-time cytomorphological analysis of BCC cells infiltrating the epidermis. ⋯ RCM provided noninvasive, early detection of incipient recurrences of BCC after MAL-PDT. RCM findings steered targeted biopsies and surgical removal, or a new MAL-PDT, of these subclinical recurrences with minimal invasiveness.
The sensation of itch and the scratch response elicited by application of histamine are enhanced by itch-related visual cues in people with existing skin conditions and, to a lesser extent, in healthy controls. ⋯ This study demonstrates the impact of visual cues in eliciting sensations of itch and provoking a scratch response, and may provide behavioural evidence linking contagious itch to the mirror neuron system.