The British journal of dermatology
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
A 24-week multicentre, randomized, open-label, parallel-group study comparing the efficacy and safety of ixekizumab vs. fumaric acid esters and methotrexate in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis naive to systemic treatment.
Interleukin-17 antagonists have received a first-line label for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. ⋯ Ixekizumab was superior in inducing PASI 75/90/100, sPGA (0,1) and DLQI (0,1) responses at week 24 compared with methotrexate and FAEs. Safety profiles for all treatments were consistent with prior studies.
Observational Study
Health-related quality of life and long-term sequelae in survivors of epidermal necrolysis: an observational study of 57 patients.
Few studies have investigated the global burden of sequelae and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for survivors of epidermal necrolysis (EN). ⋯ Our study confirms the major burden and long-term impact of EN on quality of life for survivors and emphasizes the need for prolonged close follow-up after the acute phase. What's already known about this topic? Long-term sequelae have been reported in 90% of survivors of epidermal necrolysis (EN). Few studies have investigated the global burden of sequelae and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in survivors of EN. What does this study add? Survivors of EN, particularly those admitted to the intensive care unit, had poorer physical HRQoL than the French reference population but had comparable HRQoL to survivors of septic shock. Survivors of EN exhibited symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome. The most frequent sequelae were cutaneous, ocular and psychological, with visual analogue scale scores of 5/10 and 6/10. These results confirm the burden of EN on quality of life.