Human & experimental toxicology
There have been no case reports on aluminum phosphide-induced pancreatitis in the literature available. In this report, we present the case of a young man who developed acute pancreatitis and probably acute myocarditis following ingestion of aluminum phosphide pellets in the absence of the usual risk factors and after exclusion of other possible causes of pancreatitis. In the absence of re-challenge, we put forth the probable causative association of pancreatitis with aluminum phosphide or phosphine gas, its active pesticidal component.
Two cases of acute valproic acid poisoning with central nervous system depression and raised ammonia level without hepatotoxicity were reported. They were treated successfully with the use of the antidotes: L-carnitine and other supportive measures. Clinical manifestation and progress was described, and discussion is focused on the use of L-carnitine in valproic acid-induced hyperammonemia, from its mechanism to the clinical experiences in the literature. Based on the favorable response of our two cases and the literature review, we recommend the administration of intravenous L-carnitine in patients of valproic acid overdose with hyperammonemia or valproic acid-induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy and hepatotoxicity at a dose of 50 mg/kg every 8 h for the first initial 24 h with further individual assessment.