The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Opioids are effective analgesics for acute and palliative pain, but there is no evidence base for long-term pain relief. They also carry considerable risks such as overdose and dependence. Despite this, they are increasingly prescribed for chronic pain. In the UK, opioid prescribing more than doubled between 1998 and 2018. ⋯ Opioid prescribing guidelines are not followed. The significant issues are: long-term prescriptions for chronic pain, especially back pain; new patients registering with repeat prescriptions; and no outcomes of treatment agreed, a crucial message is the goal is pain management rather than relief. Changes have been introduced at the practice: a patient information sheet, compulsory 1-month review for new patients on opioids, and in-surgery pain referrals.
The prevalence of diverticulosis and acute diverticulitis is increasing in developed countries. For those with diverticulosis the lifetime risk of developing acute diverticulitis is about 4-25%. Mild, uncomplicated diverticulitis can be, and often is, managed safely in a primary care setting, avoiding unnecessary admission. ⋯ The management of diverticulitis in this primary care centre is not fully concordant with NICE guidelines. There is a need to improve adherence, in particular antibiotic regimen when deciding to prescribe antibiotics.
Undergraduate medical education and postgraduate foundation training are largely secondary care based. General practice trainees also spend nearly half of their training in hospital rotations. Little is known about factors that support effective transition into general practice specialty training or belongingness experiences throughout training. ⋯ Adequate support towards transition into general practice and fostering belongingness in hospital settings is important due to the wider impact on training, patient care, and primary/secondary care integration. We propose a theoretical explanation based on Wenger's social learning model, which may have useful practical implications.