European journal of cancer : official journal for European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) [and] European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
This study assessed predictions of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behaviour change applied to mammography screening in a random sample of 909 Swiss women aged 40-80 years. We examined stages of mammography adoption, positive and negative attitudes toward screening (pros, cons and decisional balance), and additional predisposing, enabling and reinforcing characteristics. The stage of mammography adoption was defined for 827 women, of whom 46.9% reported on-schedule screening (action 10.2%, maintenance 29.7%, relapse risk 7.0%) and 53% did not (precontemplation 23.1%, contemplation 13.5%, relapse 16.4%). ⋯ Perceived utility of an organised screening programme and reluctance to pay for a mammogram were independently associated with only certain transitions between stages of adoption. Our results confirm the applicability of the TTM to mammography screening in a European context. They also suggest that constructs other than pros and cons may be useful in predicting mammography use.
Most of the research in palliative medicine is of a descriptive nature. Clinical practice is based upon clinical experience rather than upon research. The level of appropriate research reduces the chance for improvement of palliative care. ⋯ New approaches are needed and must be developed for the dying patients. Palliative care research needs proper funding; specific programmes supporting research on a European level are needed. The European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) is capable of conducting and coordinating collaborative research in palliative care on a European level.