Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · May 2015
Accuracy of calculated volatile agent consumption from fresh gas content.
Case-by-case assessment of volatile anesthetic (VA) consumption is necessary to perform agent sparing dosing measures and for billing purposes. The gold standard technique for this purpose is to measure the weight difference of the vaporizer that occurs during VA delivery. Because suitable equipment is rarely available and weighing the vaporizer is only possible in prospectively planned fashion, a calculation method from recorded fresh gas flow (FGF) and VA courses is a viable alternative. The objective was to evaluate the accuracy of VA calculation from fresh gas composition vs. the gold standard of weighing the vaporizer before and after anesthesia. ⋯ The calculated VA consumption for sevoflurane and desflurane are sufficiently accurate to estimate the economic impact of VA delivery during inhalational anesthesia. This method enables the assessment of VA consumption both ways: (1) retrospectively from sufficiently detailed and accurate anesthesia recordings, as well as (2) by using this method in a prospective setting.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · May 2015
Association of CYP450 single nucleotide polymorphisms with the efficacy of epidural ropivacaine during mastectomy.
Ropivacaine is frequently used for local anesthesia in the clinic and is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP450) in the liver. CYP450 polymorphisms may alter the therapeutic efficacy of drugs in patients. In this study, we selected six CYP450 polymorphisms from the dbSNP and HapMap databases, using a combination of functional analysis and Tag SNP strategies and examined these polymorphisms for association with the efficacy of epidural ropivacaine in patients during mastectomy. ⋯ Our present data demonstrate that CYP1A2 SNPs rs11636419 and rs17861162 alter the sensitivity of epidural ropivacaine in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery. As such, detection of these two CYP1A2 SNPs may aid in the development of effective personalized treatments for breast cancer patients.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · May 2015
Arterial pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass is not associated with acute kidney injury.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is common and is associated with increased mortality. We wanted to investigate if the arterial pressure or the use of norepinephrine during cardiopulmonary bypass were associated with AKI. ⋯ No independent relationship between arterial pressure or use of norepinephrine and AKI was found.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · May 2015
Randomized Controlled TrialEffect of high-volume systematic local infiltration analgesia in Caesarean section: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Local infiltration with either 50mL 0.5% or 125mL 0.2% ropivacaine did not improve post-operative pain after elective caesarean section.