Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2019
Lipo-prostaglandin E1 increases immediate arterial maximal flow velocity of free flap in patients undergoing reconstructive surgery.
In free flap surgery, the maintenance of proper blood flow after anastomosis of flap pedicle vessels is important. Lipo-prostaglandin E1 (lipo-PGE1) has been empirically administered to prevent blood flow insufficiency in a free flap reconstruction. We tested our hypothesis that lipo-PGE1 administration increases the arterial inflow of free flap. We also evaluated lipo-PGE1-related haemodynamic changes and complications. ⋯ Lipo-PGE1 significantly increases the maximal blood flow velocity without complications in patients undergoing free flap reconstruction and may be an effective and safe method of maintaining adequate blood flow in these cases.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2019
Comparative StudyComparison of two prehospital predictive models for mortality and impaired consciousness after severe traumatic brain injury.
The primary aim was to investigate the performance of a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics based predictive model (NACA-BM) for mortality at 14 days and a reference model using motor GCS (GCS-RM). The secondary aim was to compare the models for impaired consciousness of survivors at 14 days (IC-14; GCS ≤ 13). ⋯ Prehospital prediction of mortality after TBI was good with both models, and the NACA-BM was not inferior to the GCS-RM. Prediction of IC-14 was moderate in both models.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2019
Endotracheal tube cuff pressure changes during manual cuff pressure control manoeuvres: An in-vitro assessment.
Endotracheal tube (ETT) cuffs are designed to seal the lower airway for precise ventilation and to protect against ingress of pathogens from the pharyngeal space. Therefore, a minimal continuous cuff pressure must be maintained. Aim of this study was to analyse the course of cuff pressure in an in-vitro model during manual cuff pressure control manoeuvres. ⋯ Routine manual cuff pressure control manoeuvres in ETT cuffs result in considerable cuff pressure drops. This may have an impact on silent aspiration of pharyngeal contents passing along the cuff into the lower airway.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2019
Observational StudyElevated serum S-100β in patients with septic shock is associated with delirium.
A high prevalence of delirium is observed in sepsis, yet specific markers for this brain dysfunction in sedated patients are still lacking. Cytoplasmic low molecular weight calcium-binding protein, S-100β, is a commonly used nonspecific marker for brain injury. Here, we evaluated whether delirium is associated with increases in S-100β levels. ⋯ Delirium in septic shock was associated with an elevated protein S-100β when using a laboratory cutoff value of 0.15 μg/L and with more severe organ dysfunction during the ICU stay.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2019
Observational StudyPerformance of SAPS II according to ICU length of stay: Protocol for an observational study.
Severity scores, including the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, are widely used in the intensive care unit (ICU) to predict mortality outcomes using data from ICU admission or shortly hereafter. For patients with longer ICU length of stay (LOS), the predictive performance of admission-based severity scores may deteriorate compared to patients with shorter ICU LOS. This protocol and statistical analysis plan outlines a study that will assess the influence of ICU LOS on the performance of SAPS II for predicting 90-day post-ICU mortality. ⋯ The outlined large, nationwide cohort study will provide important, contemporary information about the influence of ICU LOS on severity score performance relevant for ICU clinicians, researchers, and administrators. Publication of the protocol and statistical analysis plan prior to study conduct ensures transparency, and limits the risk of publication bias, post hoc changes in analyses, and challenges with multiple comparisons.