Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2020
Review Meta Analysis Comparative StudyLow- versus high-dose intraoperative opioids: a systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses.
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia is a state of nociceptive sensitisation secondary to opioid administration. The objective of this meta-analysis was to test the hypothesis that high-dose intraoperative opioids contribute to increased post-operative pain and hyperalgesia when compared with a low-dose regimen in patients under general anaesthesia. ⋯ There is low certainty of evidence that high-dose intraoperative opioid administration increases pain scores in the post-operative period, when compared with a low-dose regimen.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2020
ReviewEffects of magnesium, phosphate and zinc supplementation in ICU patients - protocol for a systematic review.
Depletion of the trace elements magnesium, phosphate and zinc is common in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Observational studies have suggested worse outcome in patients with hypomagnesaemia, hypophosphataemia or hypozincaemia, but also inverse associations with worse outcome with too high serum levels. However, it is unclear whether data from randomised clinical trials (RCTs) confirm this. Accordingly, we plan to assess the balance between benefits and harms of supplementation as compared with placebo or no supplementation in adult ICU patients. ⋯ The benefits and harms of supplementation therapy with magnesium, phosphate and zinc in general ICU patients are unknown. This outlined systematic review will provide data on the evidence, on which future recommendations for supplementation may be founded.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2020
Review Meta AnalysisPreoperative femoral nerve block for hip fracture - A systematic review with meta-analysis.
Pre-operative pain management of hip fracture patients is complex. Femoral nerve block (FNB) is used for hip fractures to reduce pain and demand for systematic analgesia. The objective of the study was to systematically investigate the efficacy of single-shot FNB for hip fracture patients. ⋯ The quantity of evidence supporting pre-operative single-shot FNB for hip fractures is very low, and the certainty of evidence supporting pre-operative single-shot FNB for hip fractures is low. No studies using ultrasound guided technique were identified. Data on non-ultrasound guided FNB's suggest a decreased pain score compared to the use of systemic analgesia.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2020
Observational StudyClinical Examination Findings As Predictors Of Acute Kidney Injury In Critically Ill Patients.
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in critically ill patients is associated with a markedly increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to establish the predictive value of clinical examination for AKI in critically ill patients. ⋯ Clinical examination findings were able to predict AKI with moderate accuracy in a large cohort of critically ill patients. Findings of clinical examination on ICU admission may trigger further efforts to help predict developing AKI.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 2020
Comparative StudyClassical versus controlled rapid sequence induction and intubation in children with bleeding tonsils (a retrospective audit).
To determine whether bag-mask ventilation between induction of anaesthesia and tracheal intubation in children with post-tonsillectomy bleeding reduces the incidence of hypoxaemia and difficult direct laryngoscopy without increasing perioperative respiratory complications. ⋯ Controlled RSII had advantages over classical RSII in children with post-tonsillectomy bleeding and may become a strategic option in these patients to avoid hypoxaemia, difficult laryngoscopy and hypertension during induction of anaesthesia and tracheal intubation. Bag-mask ventilation in patients with bleeding tonsils did not lead to pulmonary morbidity.