Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
Prokinetic agents in adult intensive care unit patients (PATIENCE)-An international inception cohort study protocol.
Feeding intolerance is common in critically ill patients and can lead to malnutrition. Prokinetic agents may be used to enhance the uptake of nutrition. However, the evidence on the effectiveness and safety of prokinetic agents is sparse, and there is a lack of data on their use in intensive care units (ICU). ⋯ The outlined international cohort study will provide valuable epidemiological data on the use of prokinetic agents in adult, acutely admitted ICU patients.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
What would have made work in the COVID-19 ICU less demanding? A qualitative study from 13 Swedish COVID-19 ICUs.
The COVID-19 pandemic stretched Swedish intensive care unit (ICU) resources to an extent never experienced before, but even before the pandemic staffing was difficult and the number of staffed ICU beds was low. Studies have revealed high levels of COVID-19 ICU staff burn-out and fatigue, and as similar situations with high demands are likely to occur in the future a better understanding of resources that improve staff resilience is important. Using the job-demand resource theory as a framework, we explored ICU professionals' views on demands and resources when working in COVID-19 ICUs with the aim to highlight factors that increased the job resources. ⋯ To increase staff health and performance in a long-term crisis our results suggest; maintaining workplace leadership, scheduling work in advance and, when possible, schedule for recovery.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
Burnout among intensive care nurses, physicians and leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic: A national longitudinal study.
Burnout is frequent among intensive care unit (ICU) healthcare professionals and may result in medical errors and absenteeism. The COVID-19 pandemic caused additional strain during working hours and also affected off-duty life. The aims of this study were to survey burnout levels among ICU healthcare professionals during the first year of COVID-19, describe those who reported burnout, and analyse demographic and work-related factors associated with burnout. ⋯ In Norway, a minority of ICU nurses, physicians and leaders reported burnout 1 year into the pandemic. A majority of those with burnout reported anxiety, depression and/or PTSD symptoms combined. Burnout was associated with less years of professional experience.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
ReviewOpioids and personalized analgesia in the perioperative setting: A protocol for five systematic reviews.
Treatment with opioids is a mainstay in perioperative pain management. While the leading treatment paradigm has been procedure-specific pain management, efforts regarding personalized pain treatment are increasing. The OPI•AID project aims to develop personalized algorithms for perioperative pain management, taking demographic, surgical, and anaesthesiologic factors into account. We will undertake five parallel reviews to illuminate current evidence on different aspects of individual responses to perioperative opioid treatment. ⋯ These reviews will evaluate various aspects of perioperative opioid treatment, including individualized treatment strategies, selection of specific opioids, and individual patient responses. These will guide future development of a personalized perioperative opioid treatment algorithm (OPI•AID) that will be validated and tested clinically against standard of care.