Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery
Traumatic dislocation of in children occurs less frequently than in adults, and bilateral dislocation is extremely rare. Manual reduction was performed in a 3-year-old girl with bilateral traumatic hip dislocation. The recovery course has been favorable for about 1 year.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Jan 1993
Case ReportsTransepiphysial fixation of anterior cruciate avulsion in a child. Report of a complication and review of the literature.
An avulsion of the anterior cruciate of an 11 year old girl was internally fixed with a transepiphysial screw. Two years later, anterior epiphysiodesis was evident, causing hyperextension of the knee. To avoid this complication, we recommend early removal of transepiphysial metalwork in children. Arthroscopical intrafocal fixation is proposed as a safe alternative.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Jan 1993
Comparative StudyQuantitative stress radiography for diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Comparison between manual and instrumental techniques and between methods with knee flexed at 20 degrees and at 90 degrees.
A portable stress-applying device for stress radiography was developed for daily clinical use. Using this device, stress radiography for the diagnosis of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency was performed with the knee flexed at 20 degrees and at 90 degrees. A 100-N force was chosen as a standardized stress. ⋯ When stress radiography with the knee flexed at 20 degrees and that at 90 degrees were compared, the former was more reliable than the latter. As the manual technique is compromised by a lack of standardization in applied force, a mechanical device is required in quantitative stress radiography. The reliability of stress radiography with the knee flexed at 20 degrees is considered high enough to warrant dispensing with further stress radiography with the knee flexed at 90 degrees for diagnosing ACL deficiency.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Jan 1993
Case ReportsWhich investigations are required in stress fracture of the great toe sesamoids?
For the athlete a stress fracture of the great toe sesamoid is an injury of fundamental significance. As radiographic findings and bone scintigraphy are not specific, these fractures have the longest delay between first symptoms and definitive diagnosis. Apart from magnetic resonance imaging, the only accurate investigation for early diagnosis is the longitudinal bone scan.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Jan 1993
Case ReportsPubic-type dislocation of the hip combined with fracture of the ipsilateral greater trochanter. A case report.
Traumatic anterior dislocation of the hip is a relatively uncommon injury, and when it does occur it is frequently combined with osteochondral fracture of the femoral head or the acetabulum. Anterior dislocation of the hip with an associated fracture of the ipsilateral greater trochanter is extremely rare. This paper presents a case of this rare type of injury and clarifies the mechanism of the injury using a cadaver specimen.