Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Feb 2024
Review Meta AnalysisLateral versus medial approach for total knee arthroplasty for valgus knee deformity shows comparable functional outcomes, hip-knee-ankle angle values, and complication rates: a meta-analysis of comparative studies.
The aim of this meta-analysis of comparative studies was to update the current evidence on functional and radiographic outcomes and complications between medial and lateral approaches for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for valgus knee deformity. ⋯ CRD42023392807.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Feb 2024
Observational StudyPostoperative cognitive dysfunction after beach chair positioning compared to supine position in orthopaedic surgery in the elderly.
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) occurs in up to 26% of patients older than 60 years 1 week after non-cardiac surgery. Intraoperative beach chair positioning (BCP) is advantageous for some types of shoulder surgery. However, this kind of positioning leads to a downward bound redistribution of blood volume, with possible hypoperfusion of the brain. We hypothesized that patients > 60 years undergoing orthopaedic shoulder surgery in a BCP might experience more POCD than patients operated in the supine position (SP). ⋯ POCD at 1 week after surgery tended to occur more often in patients operated in beach chair position compared to patients in supine position without being statistically significant.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Feb 2024
Do preoperative PROMIS scores independently predict 90-day readmission following primary total knee arthroplasty?
The rising demand for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is expected to increase the total number of TKA-related readmissions, presenting significant public health and economic burden. With the increasing use of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) scores to inform clinical decision-making, this study aimed to investigate whether preoperative PROMIS scores are predictive of 90-day readmissions following primary TKA. ⋯ This study demonstrates that preoperative PROMIS scores may not be used to predict 90-day readmission following primary TKA. Non-white patients and patients with CVD are 3.53 and 1.66 times more likely to be readmitted, highlighting existing racial disparities and medical comorbidities contributing to readmission in patients undergoing TKA.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Feb 2024
Review Meta AnalysisThe impact of retaining the femoral stem in revision total hip arthroplasty: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression.
The management of well-fixed femoral stems in revision total hip arthroplasty (rTHA) remains a subject of debate, with concerns over potential complications arising from stem retention. This study aimed to investigate the re-revision rates due to aseptic loosening of the stem, overall re-revision rates, dislocation rates, and factors influencing these outcomes in rTHA with a retained well-fixed femoral stem. ⋯ CRD42022351157.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg · Feb 2024
Multicenter StudyHoffa fractures are associated with concomitant soft tissue injures and a high postoperative complication rate.
Hoffa fractures are a rare and often overlooked entity. The main goal of surgical treatment is to restore the articular surface and maintain knee function. However, current clinical data indicate heterogeneous outcomes. The aim of this multicenter study was to obtain a representative data set of patients with isolated Hoffa fractures with special emphasis on concomitant soft tissue injuries, diagnostic algorithms, treatment strategies and functional outcomes. ⋯ Treatment of Hoffa fractures with screw fixation resulted in significantly better functional outcomes, probably due to less comminuted fractures. Concomitant cartilage, meniscal and ligamentous injuries are common and warrant preoperative recognition and management.