Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis
Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis · Jan 1998
Haemostatic disturbances in burned patients during early excision and skin grafting.
Bleeding is a major problem during early excision of burned skin. Therefore, 13 severely burned adult patients operated on during the first week after the trauma were studied. Blood loss was replaced with crystalloids, colloids and packed red cell concentrates (PRC). ⋯ Thrombelastography showed decreased clot formation rate and impaired fibrin platelet interaction peri- and postoperatively. Fibrinogen and factor VIII activity were high preoperatively (median 6.1 g/l and 253%) and the critical values for normal haemostasis were not reached. Burned patients have a consumption coagulopathy which, in combination with haemodilution during operation, results in a clinically significant deficiency of coagulation factors II, VII and X, in spite of reactive elevation of coagulation factor VIII and fibrinogen.