Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis
Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis · Apr 2008
Whole blood coagulation measured by modified thrombelastography (ROTEM) is impaired in infants with congenital heart diseases.
Patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) often do have a variety of coagulation abnormalities that results in bleeding diathesis. Our study aimed to determine the impact of cyanosis and CHD on modified thrombelastography parameters, compared with children without CHD. Preoperative blood samples were taken for TEM analyses from a total of 51 infants scheduled for surgery. ⋯ Hyperfibrinolysis was detected in one patient, a cyanotic patient. The present investigation confirms previous findings that in patients with CHD the heart defect itself compromises coagulation monitored with TEM, but in addition, we demonstrate that cyanosis and/or polycythemia exert the essential negative impact on hemostasis. Preoperative hyperfibrinolysis detected with TEM seems to play no important role.
Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis · Apr 2008
Clinical TrialThe value of rotation thromboelastometry to monitor disturbed perioperative haemostasis and bleeding risk in patients with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Rotation thromboelastometry (ROTEM) performed on whole-blood samples provides information on the contribution of fibrinogen and platelets to clot formation. Such measurements are believed superior to classical plasma coagulation measurements as a means of monitoring disturbed haemostasis. On-pump cardiac surgery is associated with high bleeding risk. ⋯ ROTEM recorded a benefit of administration of platelet concentrates or fresh-frozen plasma, particularly when given postoperatively, on haemostasis. In contrast, intraoperative administration of red blood cells impaired haemostasis. ROTEM can provide a more detailed diagnostic basis enabling a focused therapy to cardiac surgery patients with high bleeding risk.