Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
Case Reports
Detection of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid endarterectomy with CT perfusion.
We present the case of a 60-year-old female patient, who developed symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis and subsequently underwent carotid endarterectomy. Four days after an uneventful surgery the patient developed confusion, seizures, and was admitted to the ICU. CT perfusion revealed reduced ispilateral time-to-peak and mean-transient-time and increased cerebral blood volume and cerebral blood flow, confirming the diagnosis of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome. We thus propose CT perfusion as a diagnostic means for cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome, a syndrome that remains underdiagnosed.
Clinical Trial
Early changes in brain FDG metabolism during anticancer therapy in patients with pharyngeal cancer.
The current study aimed to evaluate whether therapy-related changes occurred in brain metabolism at an earlier stage during the course of anticancer therapy. ⋯ The current study revealed that unappreciable changes in brain metabolism can occur during the early course of anticancer therapy, and persist even after therapy has terminated. Although the exact mechanism remains unclear, these changes may be related to the systemic effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy as well as subclinical cancer-related depressive or adjustment mood disorder.
Review Meta Analysis
The role of sonolysis and sonothrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and case-control studies.
To assess the evidence on the safety and efficacy of sonothrombolysis in acute stroke. ⋯ This novel treatment appears safe and effective. The evidence of microsphere as an enhancement of sonothrombolysis is evolving.
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is a recently developed high resolution 3-dimensional gradient-echo pulse sequence that accentuates the magnetic susceptibility of blood, calcium, and nonheme iron. The clinical applications of SWI in pediatric neuroimaging have significantly expanded recently. Potential pitfalls related to blood oxygenation, blood flow, magnetic field strength, and misinterpretation of localization as well as possible mimickers may be misleading and affect the correct interpretation of SWI images. Familiarity with these potential diagnostic pitfalls is important to prevent misdiagnosis and will further enhance the ability of SWI in becoming a robust and reliable technique.
Our aim is to implement a simple, rapid, and reliable method using computed tomography perfusion imaging and clinical judgment to target patients for reperfusion therapy in the hyper-acute stroke setting. We introduce a novel formula (1-infarct volume [CBV]/penumbra volume [MTT] × 100%) to quantify mismatch percentage. ⋯ The ABC/2 method of volume estimation on CT perfusion is a reliable and efficient approach to determine infarct and penumbra volumes. The 1-CBV/MTT × 100% formula produces a mismatch percentage assisting providers in communicating the proportion of salvageable brain and guides therapy in the setting of patients with unclear time of onset with potentially salvageable tissue who can undergo mechanical retrieval or intraarterial thrombolytics.