Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
Major Axis-I disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BD), anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia are associated with a host of aberrations in the way social stimuli are processed. Face perception tasks are often used in neuroimaging research of emotion processing in both healthy and patient populations, and to date, there exists a mounting body of evidence, both behavioral and within the brain, indicating that emotional faces compared to neutral faces are processed abnormally by those with Axis-I disorders relative to healthy control (HC) groups. The use of neutral faces as a "baseline control condition" is predicated on the assumption that neutral faces are processed in the same way HCs and individuals with major Axis-I disorders. ⋯ Specifically, increased amygdala activation was consistently reported in response to neutral faces in anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Abnormal medial PFC activity was reported in patients with MDD, and patients with BD exhibit decreased activity in the DLPFC and ACC relative to HCs. In addition, specific suggestions to overcome these obstacles with new research and additional analyses are discussed.
Poststroke vascular cognitive impairment is highly prevalent with significant functional consequences. However, reliable biomarkers for early prediction of cognitive decline after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) are not well established. Although parenchymal imaging in patients with AIS and transient ischemic attack (TIA) may predict the resultant cognitive impairment, it may not explain the progressive deterioration after the index event. We postulated that longitudinal changes in cerebral hemodynamic parameters may influence the cognitive performance after a cerebrovascular event. ⋯ Although hemodynamic parameters deteriorate in a considerable proportion of patients during first 3-6 months after a cerebrovascular event, cognitive decline appears to be an independent phenomenon.
Wallerian Degeneration Beyond the Corticospinal Tracts: Conventional and Advanced MRI Findings.
Wallerian degeneration (WD) is defined as progressive anterograde disintegration of axons and accompanying demyelination after an injury to the proximal axon or cell body. Since the 1980s and 1990s, conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences have been shown to be sensitive to changes of WD in the subacute to chronic phases. More recently, advanced MRI techniques, such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), have demonstrated some of earliest changes attributed to acute WD, typically on the order of days. ⋯ This article reviews the utility of conventional and advanced MRI techniques for assessing WD, by focusing not only on the corticospinal tract but also other neural tracts less commonly thought of, including corticopontocerebellar tract, dentate-rubro-olivary pathway, posterior column of the spinal cord, corpus callosum, limbic circuit, and optic pathway. The basic anatomy of these neural pathways will be discussed, followed by a comprehensive review of existing literature supported by instructive clinical examples. The goal of this review is for readers to become more familiar with both conventional and advanced MRI findings of WD involving important neural pathways, as well as to illustrate increasing utility of advanced MRI techniques in providing important prognostic information for various pathologies.
Observational Study
An Observational Study to Assess Brain MRI Change and Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Practice-The MS-MRIUS Study.
To describe methodology, interim baseline, and longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition parameter characteristics of the multiple sclerosis clinical outcome and MRI in the United States (MS-MRIUS). ⋯ The MS-MRIUS study linked the clinical and brain MRI outcomes into an integrated database to create a cohort of fingolimod patients in real-world practice. Variability was observed in MRI acquisition protocols overtime.
With some regularity, we have encountered the unusual imaging abnormality of bilateral hippocampal restricted diffusion, either in isolation or in combination with other coincident abnormalities. In this retrospective case series, we examine clinical and imaging data to explore potential etiologies and clinical implications of this imaging finding. Sixteen cases with the imaging abnormality are presented, with etiologies including hypoxemia, hypoxemia-ischemia, and seizures.