Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
Multicenter Study
Multicenter Volumetric Assessment of Artifactual Hypoperfusion Patterns using Automated CT Perfusion Imaging.
Automated computed tomography perfusion (CTP) is recommended to inform selection of stroke patients for thrombectomy >6 hours from last known normal (LKN). However, artifacts on automated perfusion output may overestimate the tissue at risk leading to misclassification of thrombectomy eligibility in some patients. ⋯ Nearly half of patients had evidence of artifactual penumbral imaging on automated CTP, which rarely lead to misclassification of thrombectomy eligibility. Although artifactual findings are reliably identified by trained raters, our results emphasize the need to evaluate CTP results with knowledge of the patient's clinical symptoms and vascular imaging.
In this pilot study, we investigated functional brain activation changes in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) in remission compared to age and gender-matched healthy controls (HCs). ⋯ These results suggest that CD patients in remission may show accelerated signs of aging in terms of brain responses to a typical cognitive task. Future work with larger sample size will need to replicate these results as well as investigate the influence of factors, such as chronicity of the disease and medication effects on task-associated brain activation patterns in this patient population.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical management is based upon lesion characterization from 2-dimensional (2D) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) views. Such views fail to convey the lesion-phenotype (ie, shape and surface texture) complexity, underlying metabolic alterations, and remyelination potential. We utilized a 3-dimensional (3D) lesion phenotyping approach coupled with imaging to study physiologic profiles within and around MS lesions and their impacts on lesion phenotypes. ⋯ The association of lesion phenotypes with their metabolic signatures suggests the prospect for translation of such data to clinical management by providing information related to metabolic activity, lesion age, and risk for disease reactivation and self-repair. Our findings also provide a platform for disease surveillance and outcome quantification involving myelin repair therapeutics.
Studies have shown an association between infarct patterns and recurrent stroke in patients with symptomatic intracranial stenosis (sICAS) but there are limited data on associations with perfusion imaging mismatch profile. We aim to determine the association between infarct pattern, optimal mismatch profile definition, and recurrent cerebrovascular events (RCVE) in patients with anterior circulation sICAS. ⋯ IBZ infarcts may be a surrogate marker of distal perfusion status and RCVE risk. Larger multicenter, prospective, core-lab blindly adjudicated studies are needed to confirm our findings.
There is a paucity of literature related to the neuroimaging of CNS tuberculosis (TB) and largely covers pediatric CNS TB. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of different forms of CNS TB and its associated complications and to study longitudinal disease course using computed tomography (CT) and MRI. ⋯ Tuberculoma, hydrocephalus, and cerebral infarcts are the most prominent findings in CNS tuberculosis. Our study showed development of new lesions on subsequent neuroimaging suggesting a dynamic and progressive nature of the disease process in some individuals.