Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America
Alpine climbing is a sport whose participants are at risk for a variety of injuries and illnesses. Climbers are venturing into the mountains and attempting routes with ever-increasing difficulty, and it is important to understand the injury and illness concerns of alpine climbers better. Alpine climbers are prone to injuries common to traditional mountaineers and more specialized sport rock climbers. ⋯ Proper preparation for the cold is imperative to prevent frostbite and hypothermia. Worsening symptoms of headache or respiratory symptoms should always alert the alpine climber to possible altitude illness. Understanding the injuries common to the sport can allow providers to deliver the best medical care.
Although dance medicine has derived extensive knowledge from sports medicine, some aspects covered in the practice of dance medicine are unique to this field. Acute and overuse injuries must be analyzed within the scope of associated mechanisms of injury, mainly related to the practice of specific dance techniques. ⋯ It is the experience of dance practitioners that dancers are quite in touch with their bodies; thus, when their ailments are systematically analyzed, and underlying cause can usually be identified. In this sense, it is evident that the principles of dance medicine and rehabilitation allow the practitioner to arrive at a diagnosis and treat the underlying causes to prevent reinjury, ameliorate sequelae from injury, and minimize residual deficits after injury.
Given the increasing popularity of the martial arts, it is likely that physicians in all specialties encounter patients who participate. From pediatric patients, to geriatric patients, to those living with various disabilities, the martial arts may offer physical, psychologic, and therapeutic benefits. An appreciation of the physical demands of the martial arts is crucial to understanding the pathogenesis of injury as well as to planning treatment and prevention strategies and to determining safe return to participation after injury.
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and throughout the world, and therefore represents one of the most common sources of sports-related injuries. Basketball injuries should be managed by the same general rehabilitation principles as other sports injuries. Additionally, the clinician should be aware not only of general sports injuries but of those injuries most commonly seen in basketball players. By maintaining knowledge of the most common basketball injuries as well as their diagnosis and treatment, the clinician can help to optimize the athlete's return to play and enjoyment of the sport.