Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2003
Centrally fat-saturated three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography of the abdomen using selective central fat-saturation of k-space.
To assess the usefulness of centrally fat-saturated three-dimensional magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the abdomen using an elliptical centric view order and selective placement of fat-saturation pulses in the central 30% portion of the k-space in terms of fat signal reduction, image contrast of post-contrast images, and breath-holding time. ⋯ Abdominal contrast-enhanced centrally fat-saturated three-dimensional MR angiography using an elliptical centric view order and selective central fat-saturation of k-space reduced fat signal comparable to conventional fat-saturated three-dimensional sequence, and provided contrast-enhanced MR arteriography with high vascular contrast and minimum prolongation of breath-hold.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2003
Interscanner reproducibility of cardiovascular magnetic resonance T2* measurements of tissue iron in thalassemia.
To assess interscanner reproducibility of tissue iron measurements in patients with thalassemia using gradient echo T2* measurements on two different MRI scanners. ⋯ The T2* technique for measuring tissue iron is reproducible between the two manufacturers' scanners. This suggests that the widespread implementation of the technique is possible for clinical assessment of myocardial iron loading in thalassemia.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2003
Prediction of subtle thermal histopathological change using a novel analysis of Gd-DTPA kinetics.
To investigate Gd-DTPA kinetics as predictors of histopathological changes following focused ultrasound (FUS) thermal ablation for improved planning and assessment. ⋯ Our results suggest Gd-DTPA kinetics can predict different histopathological changes following FUS ablation and may be valuable for early prediction.