Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
J Magn Reson Imaging · May 2015
Measurements of wall shear stress and aortic pulse wave velocity in swine with familial hypercholesterolemia.
To assess measurements of pulse wave velocity (PWV) and wall shear stress (WSS) in a swine model of atherosclerosis. ⋯ The 4D PC MRI technique provides a promising means of evaluating PWV and WSS in a swine model of atherosclerosis, providing a potential platform for developing the technique for the early detection of atherosclerosis.
J Magn Reson Imaging · May 2015
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the prostate with high spatiotemporal resolution using compressed sensing, parallel imaging, and continuous golden-angle radial sampling: preliminary experience.
To demonstrate dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate with both high spatial and temporal resolution via a combination of golden-angle radial k-space sampling, compressed sensing, and parallel-imaging reconstruction (GRASP), and to compare image quality and lesion depiction between GRASP and conventional DCE in prostate cancer patients. ⋯ High spatiotemporal resolution prostate DCE is possible with GRASP, which has the potential to improve image quality and lesion depiction as compared with standard DCE.
J Magn Reson Imaging · May 2015
Reduced structural connectivity within a prefrontal-motor-subcortical network in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
To investigate white matter structural connectivity changes associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using network analysis and compare the results with those obtained using standard voxel-based methods, specifically Tract-based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). ⋯ These findings suggest that white matter degeneration in ALS is strongly linked to the motor cortex, and that impaired structural networks identified using NBS have a strong correspondence to affected white matter tracts identified using more conventional voxel-based methods.
J Magn Reson Imaging · May 2015
Spinal cord response to stepwise and block presentation of thermal stimuli: a functional MRI study.
To examine the characteristics of the spinal cord and brainstem blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses to peripheral stimulation in which the temperature is raised in a stepwise fashion, in order to enhance receptor responses, compared to a block design. ⋯ Results from this study demonstrate the means to design thermal sensory paradigms to probe components of sensory processing in the brainstem and spinal cord.
J Magn Reson Imaging · May 2015
Ultra-short echo-time pulmonary MRI: evaluation and reproducibility in COPD subjects with and without bronchiectasis.
To evaluate ultra-short-echo-time (UTE) MRI pulmonary signal-intensity measurements and reproducibility in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ⋯ Pulmonary signal-intensity is reproducible and related to tissue density. In COPD subjects with and without bronchiectasis, signal-intensity was also related to pulmonary function and CT measurements.