Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2013
ReviewDisclosing incidental findings in brain research: the rights of minors in decision-making.
MRI is used routinely in research with children to generate new knowledge about brain development. The detection of unexpected brain abnormalities (incidental findings; IFs) in these studies presents unique challenges. While key issues surrounding incidence and significance, duty of care, and burden of disclosure have been addressed substantially for adults, less empirical data and normative analyses exist for minors who participate in minimal risk research. ⋯ However, we found little discussion about the involvement of minors in decisions about disclosure of IFs in the brain, especially for IFs of low clinical significance. In response, we propose a framework for managing IFs that integrates practical considerations with explicit appreciation of rights along the continuum of maturity. This capacity-adjusted framework emphasizes the importance of involving competent minors and respecting their right to make decisions about disclosure.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2013
Comparative StudyEffects of the use of multiple scanners and of scanner upgrade in longitudinal voxel-based morphometry studies.
To evaluate the effects of inter-scanner variability (bias) and of scanner upgrade on longitudinal changes in regional gray matter volume. ⋯ The results of our study indicate that, even with scanners of the exact same model, the use of different scanners at different time points significantly influences longitudinal morphometric results, and that scanner upgrade has effects comparable to those of using different scanners at different time points.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2013
Accuracy of equilibrium magnetization mapping in sliced two-dimensional spoiled gradient-recalled echo pulse sequence with variable flip angle.
To evaluate the accuracy of an equilibrium magnetization (M0 ) map obtained using a two-dimensional (2D) spoiled gradient-recalled echo (SPGR) pulse sequence with variable flip angle (VFA). ⋯ M0 values calculated from 2D SPGR-VFA images are highly quantitative.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2013
Relationships between hypercarbic reactivity, cerebral blood flow, and arterial circulation times in patients with moyamoya disease.
To evaluate the correlation between angiographic measures of Moyamoya disease and tissue-level impairment from measurements of tissue perfusion and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR). ⋯ Correlative measures between angiography and hemodynamic methods suggest that BOLD and ASL could be used for expanding the diagnostic imaging infrastructure in Moyamoya patients and potentially tracking tissue response to revascularization.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Nov 2013
Cerebral blood flow quantification in swine using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling.
To develop quantitative cerebral blood flow (CBF) imaging using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL) in swine, accounting for their cerebrovascular anatomy and physiology. ⋯ This study demonstrates the feasibility of PCASL for CBF quantification in swine. Quantification of CBF using PCASL in swine can be further developed as an accessible and cost-effective model of human cerebral perfusion for investigating injuries that affect blood flow.