Obesity surgery
Observational Study
Morbid obesity and optimization of preoperative fluid therapy.
Preoperative venous return (VR) optimization and adequate blood volume is essential in management of morbidly obese patients (MO) in order to avoid perioperative circulatory instability. In this study, all subjects underwent a preoperative 3-week preparation by rapid-weight-loss-diet (RWL) as part of their treatment program for bariatric surgery. ⋯ The IBW-based volume challenge regime was found to be suitable for preoperative rehydration of RWL-prepared MO. Most of the patients were volume responders. Preoperative state of VR was not associated with volume responsiveness. IBW estimates and appropriate monitoring avoids potential hyperhydration in MO. For VC assessment, conventional Doppler indices were found to be more suitable compared to tissue Doppler, giving sufficient information on pressure-volume correlation of the left ventricle in morbidly obese.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the most commonly performed bariatric operation worldwide for the surgical management of obesity. Totally robotic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (TR-RYGBP) has been considered to be a better approach by some groups especially early in a surgeon's experience. However, the learning curve associated with TR-RYGBP has been poorly evaluated yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the learning curve of patients who underwent TR-RYGBP. ⋯ This study identifed criteria that should be assessed in future studies about TR-RYGBP. Both surgeon experience and bedside first assistant level affected operative duration, but surgeon experience was the most significant factor in reducing complication rates.
Comparative Study
Gender-related difference in postoperative pain after laparoscopic Roux-En-Y gastric bypass in morbidly obese patients.
Some evidence exist to suggest that women experience more pain and require more medication than men to achieve a similar state of analgesia. However, this was not studied in morbidly obese patients. The study evaluates the effect of gender on postoperative pain and analgesic consumption in the first 24 h in morbidly obese patients who undergo laparoscopic Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYNGPB). ⋯ Following PACU discharge, there was no gender difference in pain scores or analgesic consumption. Pethidine consumption in male patients during the first day was 97.8 ± 35.1 versus 98.1 ± 61.6 mg among female patients, P = 0.9729. Female patients had higher initial pain score and morphine consumption than men in the immediate postoperative period, but that difference disappeared after discharge from PACU.
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), also known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), has been increasingly recognized as a possible risk factor for adverse perioperative outcomes in non-bariatric surgeries. However, the impact of SDB on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing bariatric surgery remains less clearly defined. We hypothesized that SDB would be independently associated with worse postoperative outcomes. ⋯ In this large nationally representative sample, despite the increased association of SDB/OSA with postoperative cardiopulmonary complications, the diagnosis of SDB/OSA was negatively, rather than positively, associated with in-hospital mortality and resource use.
Different studies have evaluated changes in adipo/cytokine levels after bariatric surgery and have given conflicting results. The adipo/cytokines, leptin and chemerin, and the orexigenic hormone, ghrelin, have been shown to play a role in the regulation of metabolism and appetite. The aims of our study were to test the levels of these molecules after bariatric surgery and to compare the results between Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. ⋯ Our study demonstrates a marked decrease in fasting leptin and chemerin levels, and an increase in ghrelin levels, after bariatric surgery-induced weight loss, independently of the type of surgery performed. Further studies are needed on the interrelation between the changes in the circulating levels of these molecules and the efficacy of the bariatric surgery procedures to induce the beneficial metabolic changes and to sustain body weight loss.