Current biology : CB
Insects are thought to pinpoint a place by using memorized "snapshots," i.e., two-dimensional retinotopic views of the surrounding landmarks recorded when at the place (reviewed in ). Insects then reach the place by moving until their current view matches their snapshot. To determine when snapshots are recalled, and how differences between view and snapshot are translated into appropriate movements, we analyzed the approaches of wood ants to a feeding site that was located in the center of an array of two or three cylinders. ⋯ This finding implies that ants store snapshots at this place while fixating landmarks with frontal retina, so simplifying the later alignment of snapshots with their current view. It also means that ants recall snapshots well in advance of reaching the place. Although snapshots are centered on a landmark, we show that they extend at least 120 degrees into the periphery.
Current biology : CB · Nov 2001
Cervical sprouting of corticospinal fibers after thoracic spinal cord injury accompanies shifts in evoked motor responses.
The adult central nervous system (CNS) of higher vertebrates displays a limited ability for self repair after traumatic injuries, leading to lasting functional deficits [1]. Small injuries can result in transient impairments, but the mechanisms of recovery are poorly understood [2]. At the cortical level, rearrangements of the sensory and motor representation maps often parallel recovery [3,4]. ⋯ Four weeks after a bilateral transsection of the corticospinal tract (CST) in the lower thoracic spinal cord, we again stimulated this cortical field and found forelimb, whisker, and trunk responses, thus demonstrating reorganization of the cortical motor representation. Anterograde tracing of corticospinal fibers originating from this former hind-limb area revealed that sprouting greatly increased the normally small number of collaterals that lead into the cervical spinal cord rostral to the lesion. We conclude that the corticospinal motor system has greater potential to adapt structurally to lesions than was previously believed and hypothesize that this spontaneous growth response is the basis for the observed motor representation rearrangements and contributes to functional recovery after incomplete lesions.
Dickkopf proteins are secreted antagonists of the Wnt cell signalling molecules, which have a novel mode of action. Dickkopf1 binds to the LRP5/6 Wnt co-receptor and prevents the formation of active Wnt--Frizzled--LRP5/6 receptor complexes, thus blocking the canonical Wnt--beta-catenin pathway.
The legal battles over GM crop trials in Europe are hotting up, reports Nigel Williams.