Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Apr 2014
Assessment of quadriceps muscle weakness in patients after total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty: methodological issues.
The aim of this exploratory study was to verify whether the evaluation of quadriceps muscle weakness is influenced by the testing modality (isometric vs. isokinetic vs. isoinertial) and by the calculation method (within-subject vs. between-subject comparisons) in patients 4-8months after total knee arthroplasty (TKA, n=29) and total hip arthroplasty (THA, n=30), and in healthy controls (n=19). Maximal quadriceps strength was evaluated as (1) the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque during an isometric contraction, (2) the peak torque during an isokinetic contraction, and (3) the one repetition maximum (1-RM) load during an isoinertial contraction. ⋯ Isometric MVC torque provided smaller weakness estimates than isokinetic peak torque (P=0.06) and isoinertial 1-RM load (P=0.008), and the clinical occurrence of weakness (proportion of patients with large strength deficits) was also lower for MVC torque. These results have important implications for the evaluation of quadriceps muscle weakness in TKA and THA patients 4-8months after surgery.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Feb 2014
Clinical TrialDifferences in scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm during elevation and lowering of the arm between typical children and healthy adults.
Scapular kinematics in healthy adults is well described in the literature but little is known on typical children. This study aimed to compare the three-dimensional (3-D) scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm during the elevation and lowering of the arm in the scapular plane in typical children and healthy adults. Twenty-six healthy adults (35.34±11.65 years, 1.70±0.10m, 70.00±12.30kg) and 33 typical children (9.12±1.51 years, 1.40±0.10m, 35.40±10.45kg) participated in this study. 3-D scapular kinematics were obtained using an electromagnetic tracking device. ⋯ It was also found a low to little correlation between scapular position and age. The study showed small but significant differences in scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm between children and adults. These results can help clinicians to improve diagnosis and treatment protocols directed to children with dysfunction, as reference values on scapular kinematics in healthy children are also provided in this study.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Feb 2014
Controlled Clinical TrialAltered flexion-relaxation responses exist during asymmetric trunk flexion movements among persons with unilateral lower-limb amputation.
Repetitive exposures to altered gait and movement following lower-limb amputation (LLA) have been suggested to contribute to observed alterations in passive tissue properties and neuromuscular control in/surrounding the lumbar spine. These alterations, in turn, may affect the synergy between passive and active tissues during trunk movements. Eight males with unilateral LLA and eight non-amputation controls completed quasi-static trunk flexion-extension movements in seven distinct conditions of rotation in the transverse plane: 0° (sagittally-symmetric), ±15°, ±30°, and ±45° (sagittally-asymmetric). ⋯ Persons with unilateral LLA exhibited altered and asymmetric synergies between active and passive trunk tissues during both sagittally-symmetric and -asymmetric trunk flexion movements. Specifically, decreased and asymmetric passive contributions to trunk movements were compensated with increases in the magnitude and duration of active trunk muscle responses. Such alterations in trunk passive and active neuromuscular responses may result from repetitive exposures to abnormal gait and movement subsequent to LLA, and may increase the risk for LBP in this population.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Dec 2013
Does interhemispheric communication relate to the bilateral function of muscles? A study of scapulothoracic muscles using transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Interhemispheric connections have been demonstrated between the motor cortex controlling muscle pairs. However, these investigations have tended to concentrate upon hand muscles. We have extended these investigations to proximal muscles that control the scapula upon the trunk and help to move and stabilise the shoulder. ⋯ A trend towards inhibition was observed in lower trapezius and serratus anterior using a conditioning intensity of 120% and a condition-test interval of 8 ms (13 ± 22%; p < 0.07 and 10 ± 19% respectively; p < 0.07). No interhemispheric facilitation was evoked. The study demonstrates that a low level of interhemispheric inhibition rather than interhemispheric facilitation could be evoked between these muscle pairs.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Dec 2013
Magnitude of forward trunk flexion influences upper limb muscular efforts and dynamic postural stability requirements during sitting pivot transfers in individuals with spinal cord injury.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of imposing different degrees of forward trunk flexion during sitting pivot transfers on electromyographic activity at the leading and trailing upper limb muscles and on dynamic stability requirements. Thirty-two individuals with a spinal cord injury performed three types of sitting pivot transfers: natural technique, exaggerated forward trunk flexion and upright trunk position. Ground reaction forces, trunk kinematics, and bilateral electromyographic activity of eight upper limb muscles were recorded. ⋯ Compared to the natural strategy, significantly greater muscle activities were found for the forward trunk flexion condition at the anterior deltoid and both heads of the pectorialis major, whereas the upright trunk strategy yielded greater muscle activity at the latissimus dorsii and the triceps. The forward flexed condition was found to be more dynamically stable, with a lower stabilizing force, increased area of base of support and greater distance traveled. Thus, transferring with a more forward trunk inclination, even though it increases work of few muscles, may be a beneficial trade-off because increased dynamic stability of this technique and versatility in terms of potential distance of the transfer.