Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS
Skin and soft tissue infections may progress rapidly and take a fatal ending unless not treated in time. A 44-year old male patient without any pre-existing conditions got hospitalized with a bursitis ofthe right olecranon and unspecific general symptoms. Within a short period of time he became critically ill due this seemingly harmless infection. We describe our approach leading to the right diagnoses and the treatment of this unexpected progress.
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Mar 2016
Review[Resuscitation - cardiopulmonary resuscitation in infants and children (paediatric life support)].
In children, severe emergencies and cardiorespiratory arrests in particular are relatively rare but time-critical events. As compared to adults, hypoxic arrests caused by respiratory disorders that may subsequently result in pulseless electrical activity or asystole are more prevalent. ⋯ Particular emphasis was put on early recognition and treatment of a critically ill or injured child, hence the prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest and the early start of lay rescuer interventions. There have been no major changes in the 2010 algorithms, including retention of the ABC sequence (airway, breathing, circulation).
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Mar 2016
Review[Resuscitation - Adult advanced life support].
Enhanced measures for resuscitation of adults are based on basic measures of resuscitation. The central elements are highly effective chest compressions and avoidance of disruptions that are associated with poor patient outcomes that occur within seconds. The universal algorithm distinguishes the therapy for ventricular fibrillation from the therapy in asystole or pulseless electrical activity (PEA) by the need of defibrillation, and amiodarone administration in the former. ⋯ What is new in the 2015 ERC recommendations is the use of capnography, which can be used for the assessment of ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation), ventilation, resuscitation and intubation quality. Mechanical resuscitation devices can be used in selected situations. Successful primary resuscitation should be directly followed by measures of the post-resuscitation care.
Kurz & bündig - was gibt es Neues rund ums Fachgebiet AINS? Die wichtigsten Meldungen auf einen Blick finden Sie hier. In dieser Ausgabe mit den folgenden Themen: · Früherkennung und Therapie der Sepsis: neue Strategien. · Schmerzmedizin: strukturierte Versorgung statt Arzt-Hopping. · US-Leitlinie zu sparsamerem Einsatz von Anitbiotika. · Apothekerschrank unter der Haut. · Zugunglück in Bayern: Traumanetzwerk bewährt sich. · Medizinischer Monitor mit Augen und Ohren.