Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. · Apr 2022
ReviewEfficacy, Safety, and Strategies for Recombinant-Activated Factor VII in Cardiac Surgical Bleeding: A Narrative Review.
As perioperative bleeding continues to be a major source of morbidity and mortality in cardiac surgery, the search continues for an ideal hemostatic agent for use in this patient population. Transfusion of blood products has been associated both with increased costs and risks, such as infection, prolonged mechanical ventilation, increased length of stay, and decreased survival. Recombinant-activated factor VII (rFVIIa) first was approved for the US market in 1999 and since that time has been used in a variety of clinical settings. This review summarizes the existing literature pertaining to perioperative rFVIIa, in addition to society recommendations and current guidelines regarding its use in cardiac surgery.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. · Apr 2022
Review Case ReportsLate Diagnosis of a Large Extrapleural Hematoma in a Patient With Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection: A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Acute aortic dissection is a rare but catastrophic condition. When the dissection extends through the adventitia, blood can extravasate into the extrapleural or intrapleural spaces, causing an extrapleural hematoma or hemothorax. The early recognition of extrapleural hematoma and distinguishing it from hemothorax is critical because the management of those two entities is different. ⋯ Without clear radiographic diagnostic features of extrapleural hematoma, unsuccessful drainage of hematoma after insertion of a chest tube may suggest an extrapleural hematoma or a clotted hemothorax. If patients continue to have circulatory or respiratory compromises, prompt surgical exploration should be considered. It is important for clinicians to be aware of extrapleural hematoma in complicated acute aortic dissection, especially when chest tube drainage of an apparent hemothorax is unsuccessful.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. · Apr 2022
Analysis of the Performance of Daily Surgery Score (CASUS) in Patients with Mixed Racial Profile after Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Study.
The aim was to look at the Cardiac Surgery Score (CASUS) assessment after cardiac surgery, and compare it with the intensive care unit (ICU) mortality and morbidity, in a racially diverse group of patients, in a single center. ⋯ This study found that CASUS on POD 1, mean values of CASUS during CTICU stay, and CASUS at death/discharge from CTICU predicted ICU mortality after cardiac surgery in this racially diverse group. The CASUS derivatives can be used to predict unfavorable outcomes after cardiac surgery. A POD1-CASUS value of 6.5 or more could signify mortality and postoperative morbidity.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. · Apr 2022
General Anesthesia Leads to Underestimation of Regurgitation Severity in Patients With Secondary Mitral Regurgitation Undergoing Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair.
To evaluate the effect of general anesthesia (GA) on severity of mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients undergoing transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR). ⋯ GA underestimates regurgitation severity in patients with secondary, but not primary MR, undergoing TMVR. This effect must be considered when evaluating the immediate result of the procedure.