Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
Scand J Med Sci Sports · Jun 2009
Exercise-induced skeletal muscle deoxygenation in O-supplemented COPD patients.
This study was designed to assess quadriceps oxygenation during symptom-limited and constant-load exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and healthy age-matched controls. Thirteen male COPD patients [FEV(1): 43 +/- 5% predicted (mean +/- SEM)] and seven healthy male controls performed an incremental exercise test at peak work rate (WR) and a constant-load test at 75% peak WR on a cycle ergometer. Quadriceps hemoglobin saturation (StO2) was measured by continuous-wave near-infrared spectrophotometry throughout both exercise tests. ⋯ However, when StO2 was normalized relative to the WR, the slope of change in StO2 during exercise was nearly identical between COPD patients and healthy subjects (0.47 +/- 0.10%/W and 0.51 +/- 0.04%/W, respectively). During constant-load exercise, the kinetic time constant of StO2 desaturation after the onset of exercise (i.e., equivalent to time to reach approximately 63% of StO2 decrease) was not different between COPD patients and healthy subjects (19.0 +/- 5.2 and 15.6 +/- 2.5 s, respectively). In O2-supplemented COPD patients, peripheral muscle oxygenation for a given work load is similar to that in healthy subjects, thus suggesting that skeletal muscle O2 consumption becomes normal for a given O2 delivery in COPD patients