Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis · Jul 2019
Observational StudyRelationship of Malnutrition During Hospitalization With Functional Recovery and Postdischarge Destination in Elderly Stroke Patients.
Malnutrition during hospitalization affects the functional recovery and postdischarge destinations of elderly stroke patients. However, insufficient studies exist about nutritional status during hospitalization in the acute stroke phase in this population. This study determined factors of nutritional status changes during hospitalization in elderly patients in the acute phase of stroke, and investigated the relationship between nutritional status changes and improved activities of daily living and postdischarge destination. ⋯ Many elderly patients in the acute phase of stroke with malnutrition exhibited worsening conditions during hospitalization, which was negatively associated with their activities of daily living abilities and postdischarge destinations. Nutritional status changes and associated factors must be evaluated during hospitalization in this patient population.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis · Jul 2019
Comparative StudyStudy of the Inflammatory Mechanisms in Hyperhomocysteinemia on Large-Artery Atherosclerosis Based on Hypersensitive C-Reactive Protein-A Study from Southern China.
To study the inflammatory mechanism of hyperhomocysteinemia on large-artery atherosclerosis based on hypersensitive C-reactive protein in patients. ⋯ Hyperhomocysteinemia may aggravate the development of IMT, carotid atherosclerotic plaque instability, and carotid/intracranial artery stenosis by increasing inflammation, ultimately leading to the occurrence of LI. Hyperhomocysteinemia-induced inflammation mechanism warrants further study.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis · Jul 2019
Meta AnalysisAssociation Between Baseline Serum Ferritin and Short-term Outcome of Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Meta-Analysis.
Intracerebral hemorrhage is a devastating disease. In recent years, the association of between baseline serum ferritin and prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage is an interesting issue. Although some of the studies have shown that baseline serum ferritin can predict the prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage, there is no clear evidence that baseline serum ferritin can be used as an independent predictor of intracerebral hemorrhage. ⋯ This meta-analysis showed that baseline serum ferritin level at admission may predict the short-term prognosis of patients with ICH, and may provide a new target for intracerebral hemorrhage therapy.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis · Jul 2019
Absence of Collaterals is Associated with Larger Infarct Volume and Worse Outcome in Patients with Large Vessel Occlusion and Mild Symptoms.
Mechanical thrombectomy is the standard of care for patients with large vessel occlusion (LVO) presenting with severe symptoms; however, little is known about the best treatment for patients with LVO and mild symptoms. The absence of good collaterals has been associated with a worse outcome in patients with LVO. In this study, we aim to assess the use of collateral score to identify patients with LVO and mild symptoms that might benefit from mechanical thrombectomy (MT). ⋯ Most patients with anterior circulation LVO and low NIHSS achieve good long-term functional outcome, however, approximately 15% had significant disability. The absence of collaterals correlates with a larger final infarct volume and a worse long-term functional outcome. Collateral score might be a useful tool in identifying patients with LVO and low NIHSS who might benefit from MT.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis · Jul 2019
Correlation of Objective Pupillometry to Midline Shift in Acute Stroke Patients.
Pupillary dysfunction is recognized as a sign of acute neurological deterioration due to worsening mass effect in patients with hemispheric strokes. Recent neuroimaging studies suggest that horizontal displacement of brain structures may be more important than vertical displacement in explaining these pupillary findings. Pupillometers allow objective and standardized evaluation of the pupillary light reflex. We hypothesized that pupillary data (Neurological Pupil index [NPi] and constriction velocity [CV]) obtained with a hand-held pupilometer, correlate with horizontal intracranial midline shift in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. ⋯ In patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, there is a significant correlation between SPS and the NPi, CV and pupillary asymmetry, but not with pupillary size.