European radiology
Comparative Study
Study of susceptibility-induced artefacts in GRASE with different echo train length.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of gradient-and-spin-echo (GRASE) sequences to susceptibility effects. GRASE sequences with 21 and 33 echoes per echo train were compared with a T2-weighted FSE sequence with an echo train length of 5 by means of MRI in phantoms, volunteers (n = 10), and patients (n = 19) with old hemorrhagic brain lesions. All experiments were performed on a 1.0-T clinical MR system (Impact Expert, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) with constant imaging parameters. ⋯ FSE with an ETL of 5 demonstrated significantly stronger susceptibility effects than their GRASE counterpart with an ETL of 21. The results demonstrate that GRASE sequences do not necessarily compensate for the reduced sensitivity of FSE to susceptibility effects. The complex signal behavior of GRASE makes conventional SE, gradient echo, or FSE sequences containing shorter echo trains preferable when patients with intracranial hemorrhage are clinically evaluated.
Case Reports
MRI, CT, US and ERCP in the evaluation of bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complex): a case report.
A case of multiple bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complex) of the liver accompanied by exudative and in part necrotizing pancreatitis is presented. Magnetic resonance imaging (fat suppressed, T2-weighted images with prolonged echo time) could exclude diffuse tumor infiltration of the liver, which had not been possible with CT, sonography, or ERCP. To our knowledge, no comparable case has been reported.
Computed tomography plays an important role in the detection and management of blunt visceral injuries in adults. Current standard examination techniques enable detection of the majority of perforating or devascularizing bowel injuries, although diagnostic findings are often subtle and meticulous inspection is required. ⋯ In addition, CT is well suited for the detection of active renal hemorrhage and guidance of transcatheter embolization treatment and delineation of preexisting benign or malignant pathologies that may predispose to posttraumatic hemorrhage. The radiologist's awareness of the diagnostic CT findings of abdominal visceral injuries as well as their clinical and surgical implications are important prerequisites for optimal patient management.
Comparative Study
Magnetic resonance epidurography with gadolinium-DTPA.
The aim of this study was to evaluate and describe MRI epidurography as a new imaging tool. Five volunteers and one patient were investigated with MR epidurography after injection of 20 ml Gd-DPTA solution (1:250/1 ml Gd-DPTA/250 ml normal saline). Magnetic resonance epidurography is possible. ⋯ Using the multiplanar capability of MRI with MR epidurography coronal and sagittal projections similar to conventional epidurography, axial slices comparable to CT epidurography can be obtained. Magnetic resonance epidurography is superior to conventional and CT epidurography. Presently, due to high costs as compared with conventional and CT epidurography, MRI is not suitable for the routine monitoring of peridural catheters, but it may have a place in the future with decreasing costs for MRI and for the evaluation of patients with spine pathology, especially in describing epidural processes.
Case Reports Comparative Study
Acute abdomen due to torsion of wandering spleen: CT diagnosis.
Two adults and a child with acute abdomen and surgically confirmed torsion of wandering spleen are presented. Computed tomography provided a spectrum of findings including an ovoid or comma-shaped abdominal mass, hypertrophy of the liver's left lobe, a whirled appearance of hyperdense, nonenhancing splenic vessels, and an enlarged spleen, exhibiting minimal or no enhancement. Computed tomography also indicated the point of torsion and the viability of splenic parenchyma.