European radiology
Assessment of vascular proliferation as an important grading criterion has been employed in both the histologic and the radiologic characterization of gliomas with encouraging results. Perfusion in gliomas can be measured by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). The goal of this study was to develop a model for simultaneously quantifying the fractional volumes of different tissue compartments of gliomas by dMRI. ⋯ Using cerebral blood volume (CBV), dMRI grading showed a correspondence with WHO grading in 83% of the cases (20/24 gliomas WHO grades II-IV). The use of interstitial volume maps can also be helpful, for instance, in differentiating gliomas from other brain tumors. As a supplement to conventional MRI, dynamic MR techniques thus provide a useful tool for improving in vivo glioma characterization.
The aim of this study was to compare 2D and 3D CT imaging in the pre- and postoperative evaluation of complex benign larynges-tracheal airway stenoses with rigid endoscopy, considered as the gold standard. Six patients (aged 5-72 years) with a total of nine complex laryngo-tracheal stenoses underwent non-contrast helical CT scans (slice thickness 3 mm, pitch 1.3, reconstruction interval 1.5 mm) before and after surgical resection. With prototype software, virtual endoscopy (VE) post-processing algorithms were applied to the imaging data sets. ⋯ Two-dimensional images and 3D VE of tracheal stenoses proved to be efficient and complementary to the rigid endoscopy, permitting a reliable endoluminal 3D view and evaluation of the surrounding anatomical structures. Limitations of this technique relate to the maximal spatial resolution of 1.5 mm, the lack of color, and the inability to assess the mucosa. Virtual endoscopy is for complex laryngo-tracheal stenoses an excellent complement for rigid endoscopy, remaining the method of reference, and may be indicated with complicated pathological structures.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the appearance, extent, and distribution of parenchymal changes in the lung after acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) as a function of disease severity and therapeutic procedures. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), clinical examination, and lung function tests were performed in 15 patients, 6-10 months after ARDS. The appearance and extent of parenchymal changes were compared with the severity of ARDS, as well as with clinical and therapeutic data. ⋯ A significant correlation was observed between the extent of lung alterations and the severity of ARDS ( p<0.01), and the duration in which patients had received mechanical ventilation either with a peak inspiratory pressure greater than 30 mmHg ( p<0.05), or with more than 70% oxygen ( p<0.01). Acute respiratory distress syndrome frequently is followed by fibrotic changes in lung parenchyma. The predominantly ventral distribution of these changes indicates that they may be caused by the ventilation regimen and the oxygen therapy rather than by the ARDS.
Piriformis muscle syndrome (PMS) is a cause of sciatica, leg or buttock pain and disability. The pain is usually increased by muscular contraction, palpation or prolonged sitting. The aim of our paper was to evaluate the feasibility of CT-guided percutaneous botulinic toxin (BTX) injection for the purpose of PMS treatment. ⋯ The MR examination showed a signal intensity change of the treated muscle in 7 patients due to the denervative process of PM, whereas in the remaining 2 cases only an atrophy of the treated muscle was detected. Larger series are necessary to confirm these MRI preliminary results. The CT-guided BTX injection in the PMS is an emergent and feasible technique that obtains an excellent local therapeutic effect without risk of imprecise inoculation.
The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the value of contrast-enhanced helical CT for detecting and managing acute thoracic aortic injury (ATAI). Between June 1995 and February 2000, 1419 consecutive chest CT examinations were performed in the setting of major blunt trauma. The following CT findings were considered indicative of ATAI: intimal flap; pseudoaneurysm; contour irregularity; lumen abnormality; and extravasation of contrast material. ⋯ Contrast-enhanced helical CT has a critical role in the exclusion of thoracic aortic injuries in patient with major blunt chest trauma and prevents unnecessary thoracic aortography. Direct CT signs of ATAI do not require further diagnostic investigations to confirm the diagnosis: Isolated aortic bands or contour vessel abnormalities should be first considered as possible artifacts or related to non-traumatic etiologies especially when mediastinal hematoma is absent. In cases of isolated mediastinal hematoma other possible sources of bleeding should be considered before directing patients to thoracic aortography.