Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR
J Vasc Interv Radiol · Jan 2007
Comparative StudyTransarterial versus transhepatic portal vein embolization to induce selective hepatic hypertrophy: a comparative study in swine.
Portal vein embolization (PVE) is used to induce liver hypertrophy for surgical candidates with marginal future liver remnant (FLR) volumes. We compared the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of a transarterial approach for PVE (TA-PVE) with those of a transhepatic approach for PVE (TH-PVE) in a swine model. ⋯ Transarterial portal vein embolization is feasible, safe, and effective for inducing future liver remnant hypertrophy in swine and may represent an improvement over previously reported transhepatic portal vein embolization methods.
J Vasc Interv Radiol · Jan 2007
Functional MR imaging assessment of tumor response after 90Y microsphere treatment in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma.
To assess the utility of functional contrast medium-enhanced and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the assessment of early (1 month) response of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to a single treatment with yttrium-90-labeled microspheres. ⋯ Early after treatment with (90)Y microspheres, tumors demonstrated a decrease in enhancement and an increase in ADC, without a statistically significant change in tumor size. These MR findings are useful in the early posttreatment period for assessing treatment response.