The International journal of pharmacy practice
Objectives The objective of this study was to examine the interaction between job demands of pharmacists and resources in the form of interpersonal interactions and its association with work-related outcomes such as organizational and professional commitment, job burnout, professional identity and job satisfaction. The job demands-resources (JD-R) model served as the theoretical framework. Methods Subjects for the study were drawn from the Pharmacy Manpower Project Database (n = 1874). ⋯ Low-demand/unpleasant encounters were significantly and negatively related to professional commitment, job satisfaction and frequency and intensity of emotional exhaustion, while high-demand/pleasant encounters were also related to frequency and intensity of emotional exhaustion Conclusion Support was found for the JD-R model and the proposed interaction effects. Study results suggest that adequate attention must be paid to the interplay between demands on the job and interactions with healthcare professionals to improve the quality of the pharmacist's work life. Future research should examine other types of job demands and resources.
The objective of this study was to answer the following questions. How do community pharmacists in Jordan understand pharmaceutical care? What is the extent of pharmaceutical care practice in community pharmacies in Jordan? What are the main barriers to practising pharmaceutical care in Jordan? What is the attitude of community pharmacies in Jordan when considering provision of pharmaceutical care? ⋯ While pharmaceutical care provision is limited at this stage in Jordan, the responding pharmacists had a good understanding of pharmaceutical care. They expressed a willingness to implement pharmaceutical care practice but have identified a number of barriers to successful implementation. With the introduction of PharmD and Master of Clinical Pharmacy programmes, publication of the results of local studies on the benefit of pharmaceutical care, improved communications with physicians and modification of the current undergraduate pharmacy curriculum to include more focus on therapeutics and pharmaceutical care, many of these perceived barriers may be eliminated in the future.