The International journal of pharmacy practice
This study was carried out to: (1) explore the views of pharmacists in Nigeria on the extension of prescribing authority to them and determine their willingness to be prescribers and (2) identify the potential facilitators and barriers to introducing pharmacist prescribing in Nigeria. ⋯ Pharmacist prescribing represents an opportunity to promote patients' access to care and the utilisation of pharmacists' skills in Nigeria. The majority of pharmacists showed a positive attitude towards pharmacist prescribing and were willing to be prescribers. The findings of this study could potentially contribute to future medicine prescribing policy and pharmacy practice in Nigeria.
This study explored the experiences and views of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) on their diabetes self-management and potential roles for community pharmacists in diabetes self-management education and support (DSME/S) in Malaysia. ⋯ This study highlighted the need to improve the care provision for people with T2D. Participants with T2D identified potential, but limited roles for community pharmacists in diabetes care. Participants expressed concerns that need to be addressed if effective diabetes care is to be provided from community pharmacies in Malaysia.
To determine whether community pharmacists undertake medication reviews with children/their carers and to identify the type of medication-related experiences presented to them when a child is taking long-term medication. ⋯ Medicines Use Review and NMS reviews are utilised by community pharmacists in children/their carers. The medication-related experiences presenting to community pharmacists could fall within the purview of a medication review (MUR or NMS). There is scope to further extend this service to this group of patients/carers.