Work : a journal of prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation
There is a high prevalence of sleep disturbance with people experiencing chronic pain. Although multi-disciplinary rehabilitation programs address many contributing factors for chronic pain, the impact of insomnia on clients is not often measured. ⋯ Although chronic pain rehabilitation generally includes interdisciplinary approaches, specific attention to insomnia is not part of this chronic pain rehabilitation program and therefore it is not surprising that there was no appreciable change by the end of the program. However, because sleep disturbance is prevalent in the chronic pain population and in this sample, and has such a strong impact on the individual's daytime functioning, effective interventions directed at sleep restriction and stimulus control should complement chronic pain rehabilitation programs.
Agriculture consistently ranks as one of the highest risk industries in North America and Europe. In addition to vehicle injuries and other injuries that occur on farms, farm vehicle drivers are also involved in collisions involving tractors and other slow-moving vehicles (SMVs) on public roads. These collisions often lead to injuries among farmers, family members, farm workers, and other road users. ⋯ Sweden has an ageing fleet of tractors, so increased attention to vehicle maintenance is needed to improve road safety. The over-representation of young children in tractor incidents suggests that it is questionable whether they should be allowed to operate farm vehicles. Farm vehicle drivers suffering the inevitable effects of ageing need increase their awareness of added risks. As road traffic incidents with tractors often involve private vehicles, creating awareness among the public of slow-moving farm vehicles is essential for improving overall road safety.
Australian workers' compensation data reports a reduction in injury rates and claim incidence but no improvement in Return to Work (RTW) rates. ⋯ The study suggests that WRPs are seeing an increased focus on management of workers with increasing disability, with socio-economic disadvantage, increasing age, from blue collar backgrounds. The duration of disability is a significant determinant in achieving positive RTW outcomes suggesting that injured workers should be referred earlier for RTW services.
Treatment expectations form a fundamental component of the self-regulatory model of health behavior, which defines such cognitions as illness perceptions. Unrealistic and/or unhelpful treatment expectations have been linked to detrimental clinical and work outcomes in those with persistent low back pain. However, research of this nature has rarely focused on the influence of 'significant others' (spouse/partner/close family member). ⋯ This study demonstrates that significant others have similar unrealistic and/or unhelpful treatment expectations to those widely reported by individuals with persistent low back pain, and could further reinforce such illness perceptions and serve as wider psychosocial obstacles to recovery and continued work participation.
The German health care system has undergone radical changes in the last decades. These days health care professionals have to face economic demands, high performance pressure as well as high expectations from patients. To ensure high quality medicine and care, highly intrinsic motivated and work engaged health care professionals are strongly needed. ⋯ Results demonstrated important relationships between personal and organizational resources and work engagement. Health care management needs to use this information to maintain or develop work engaging job conditions in hospitals as one key factor to ensure quality health care service.