Journal of diabetes and its complications
J. Diabetes Complicat. · Jan 1999
Neurocognitive functioning in children diagnosed with diabetes before age 10 years.
Our objective was to determine scores on tests of neurocognitive functioning in children diagnosed with diabetes before age 10 years and to determine the association of age of diagnosis, duration of diabetes, subtle hypoglycemia, severe hypoglycemia, and history of hypoglycemic seizures with these neurocognitive test scores. Fifty-five of 62 eligible patients with a mean age of 7.9 +/- 1.6 years followed in our center were given the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery, Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Finger Tapping, Grooved Pegboard, and Verbal Selective Reminding tests to evaluate the following domains: memory/attention, visual-perceptual, broad cognitive function, academic achievement, and fine motor speed/coordination. Fifteen age-matched siblings served as controls. ⋯ However, specific aspects of neurocognitive functioning may be adversely affected by having had a hypoglycemic seizure, but not by episodes of severe hypoglycemia without seizure. Lower HbA1c and an increase in the number of blood glucose levels less than 70 mg/ dL (subtle hypoglycemia) which were associated with higher scores in some domains of academic achievement and memory suggests that stable glycemia may influence cognitive abilities and/or that successful diabetes management requires cognitive skills. Strategies to diminish the risk of seizures with hypoglycemia should be investigated.