European journal of public health
Eur J Public Health · Oct 2021
Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions on ambulance missions.
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a major impact on health care services globally. Recent studies report that emergency departments have experienced a significant decline in the number of admitted patients in the early phase of the pandemic. To date, research regarding the influence of COVID-19 on emergency medical services (EMS) is limited. This study investigates a change in the number and characteristics of EMS missions in the early phase of the pandemic. ⋯ Our findings suggest that the present COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions lead to changes in the EMS usage. These preliminary findings emphasize the importance of developing new strategies and protocols in response to the oncoming pandemic waves.
Eur J Public Health · Jul 2021
A systematic review of reach, adoption, implementation and maintenance of Internet-based interventions to prevent eating disorders in adults.
There is a growing body of research and evidence for the efficacy of Internet-based eating disorder (ED) prevention interventions for adults. However, much less is known about the reach, adoption, implementation and maintenance of these interventions. The RE-AIM (reach, efficacy/effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) model provides a framework to systematically assess this information. ⋯ Because most Internet-based ED prevention interventions are provided in a research-funded context, little is known about their public health impact. Better reporting of factors determining external validity is needed to inform dissemination and implementation of these interventions.
Eur J Public Health · Dec 2020
Comparison of physical activity levels in Spanish people with diabetes with and without cataracts.
The objective was to compare levels of physical activity (PA) in a large sample of Spanish people with diabetes with and without cataracts. To our knowledge, this is the first study comparing PA levels in people with diabetes with and without cataracts in a large representative sample. ⋯ Interventions to promote PA targeting people with both diabetes and cataracts are warranted.
Eur J Public Health · Dec 2020
Socioeconomic inequalities in out-of-hours primary care use: an electronic health records linkage study.
Low socioeconomic position (SEP) is related to higher healthcare use in out-of-hours primary care services (OPCSs). We aimed to determine whether inequalities persist when taking the generally poorer health status of socioeconomically vulnerable individuals into account. To put OPCS use in perspective, this was compared with healthcare use in daytime general practice (DGP). ⋯ Higher OPCS use suggests that chronically ill patients with lower income had additional healthcare needs that have not been met elsewhere. Our findings fuel the debate how to facilitate adequate primary healthcare in DGP and prevent vulnerable patients from OPCS use.