American journal of surgery
Review Meta Analysis
A systematic review and meta-analysis of mesh vs suture cruroplasty in laparoscopic large hiatal hernia repair.
Equipoise exists regarding whether mesh cruroplasty during laparoscopic large hiatal hernia repair improves symptomatic outcomes compared with suture repair. ⋯ The majority of studies reported significant symptom improvement. Data were insufficient to evaluate symptomatic versus asymptomatic recurrence. Time to evaluation was skewed toward longer follow-up after suture cruroplasty. Odds of recurrence (odds ratio .51, 95% confidence interval .30 to .87; overall P = .014) but not need for reoperation (odds ratio .42, 95% confidence interval .13 to 1.37; overall P = .149) were less after mesh cruroplasty. Quality of evidence supporting routine use of mesh cruroplasty is low. Mesh should be used at surgeon discretion until additional studies evaluating symptomatic outcomes, quality of life, and long-term recurrence are available.
Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Cervical spine clearance when unable to be cleared clinically: a pooled analysis of combined computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
The role of cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of clinically unevaluable blunt trauma patients has been called into question by several recent studies. ⋯ MRI identifies additional injuries; however, the vast majority are of minor clinical significance. Routine MRI after a negative computed tomography of the cervical spine is not supported by the current literature.
Key research priorities for surgical simulation have been identified in recent years. The aim of this study was to establish the progress that has been made within each research priority and what still remains to be achieved. ⋯ Progress has been made in skills assessment, curricula development, debriefing and decision making in surgery. The impact of simulation training on patient outcomes represents the focus of simulation research in the years to come.
Burns induce microvascular hyperpermeability. We hypothesize that this occurs partly through an imbalance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and endogenous MMP inhibitors such as tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), and that such derangements can be attenuated with the use of TIMP-2. ⋯ Burns may lower TIMP-2 levels and increase MMP activity and that TIMP-2 application in vitro may attenuate burn-induced hyperpermeability and decreases damage to endothelial structural proteins. These links warrant further investigation.
Review Meta Analysis
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and gastroesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The effect of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) on the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) remains unclear. We aimed to outline the currently available literature. ⋯ Because of high heterogeneity among available studies and paradoxical outcomes of objective esophageal function tests, the exact effect of laparoscopic SG on the prevalence of GERD remains unanswered. Surgeons should carefully evaluate preoperative GERD symptoms when choosing the proper bariatric technique.