Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric anaesthesia · May 2007
Comparative Study Clinical TrialHemodynamic and respiratory changes following dexmedetomidine administration during general anesthesia: sevoflurane vs desflurane.
The current study evaluates the hemodynamic and respiratory effects of dexmedetomidine (DEX) when administered to children anesthetized with sevoflurane (SEVO) or desflurane (DES). ⋯ The administration of DEX (0.5 microg x kg(-1)) results in a lower HR in patients anesthetized with SEVO compared with DES. No evidence was found for differences in sBP, dBP, or P(E)CO(2) during spontaneous ventilation with 1 MAC of SEVO vs DES.
Paediatric anaesthesia · May 2007
Clinical TrialAEP-monitor/2 derived, composite auditory evoked potential index (AAI-1.6) and bispectral index as predictors of sevoflurane concentration in children.
Level of anesthesia may be predicted with the auditory evoked potential or with passive processed electroencephalogram (EEG) parameters. Some previous reports suggest the passive EEG does not reliably predict level of anesthesia in infants. The AAI-1.6 is a relatively new index derived from the AEP/2 monitor. It combines auditory evoked potentials and passive EEG parameters into a single index. This study aimed to assess the AAI-1.6 as a predictor of level of anesthesia in infants and children. ⋯ This preliminary study suggests AAI-1.6 is a poor predictor of sevoflurane concentration in infants and children.
Paediatric anaesthesia · May 2007
Postal survey of training in pediatric cardiac anesthesia in the United Kingdom.
There are no nationally agreed standards for training in pediatric cardiac anesthesia despite the recommendation of two reports. Since then, anesthesia training has changed because of the introduction of competency-based training, the New Deal and the European Working Time Directive. ⋯ They would recommend the same experience for others but this is unlikely to happen within the current constraints of specialist registrar training. Therefore, further training in a fellowship program in the UK or abroad is likely to be necessary.