Paediatric anaesthesia
Perioperative lung ultrasound is a continuously evolving modality with numerous applications for the pediatric anesthesiologist. Lung ultrasound can be used at the bedside, including intraoperatively, to augment traditional physical examination methods of assessing cardiopulmonary structures and identifying the presence of specific and clinically significant pathology. ⋯ With its relative ease of performance, lung ultrasound should be considered in the initial evaluation of intraoperative hypoxemia particularly when traditional modes of evaluation are nonexplanatory. This educational review introduces the basic concepts of lung ultrasound as they relate to pediatric anesthesia patients.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Feb 2022
ReviewAnesthesia for pediatric rigid bronchoscopy and related airway surgery: Tips and tricks.
Bronchoscopy-guided diagnostic and interventional airway procedures are gaining in popularity and prominence in pediatric surgery. Many of these procedures have been used successfully in the adult population but have not been used in children due to a lack of appropriately sized instruments. ⋯ In addition to close communication between the anesthesiology and procedural teams; an understanding of the type of procedure, anesthetic requirements, and potential patient risks is paramount to a successful anesthetic. This review will focus on new rigid bronchoscopic procedures, goals for their respective anesthetic management, and unique tips and trick for how to maintain adequate oxygenation and ventilation in each scenario.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Feb 2022
ReviewChallenges with pediatric anesthesia and intraoperative ventilation of the child in the resource-constrained setting.
The systemic challenges in providing safe anesthesia, including safe ventilation, to children in resource-constrained settings are many. For anesthesia providers caring for children, the lack of appropriate equipment, inadequate anesthesia workforce and deficiencies in postoperative care are especially difficult. The clinical decisions made by anesthesia providers around when and how to ventilate a child for surgery are influenced by all of these factors and can result in patient management which may vary significantly from that in a high-resource setting. This educational review considers the intraoperative ventilation of a small child in a resource-constrained setting and discusses specific challenges and context-sensitive solutions.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Feb 2022
ReviewRisk assessment and optimization strategies to reduce perioperative respiratory adverse events in pediatric anesthesia-Part 1 patient and surgical factors.
Pediatric surgery cases are increasing worldwide. Within pediatric anesthesia, perioperative respiratory adverse events are the most common precipitant leading to serious complications. They can have intraoperative impact on the surgical procedure itself, lead to premature case termination and in addition may have postoperative impact resulting in longer hospitalization stays and costs. ⋯ The incidence of respiratory adverse events increases in children with comorbid respiratory and/or nonrespiratory illnesses. Optimized perioperative patient care, risk-stratified care level choice, and practitioners with appropriate training allow for risk mitigation. This review will discuss patient and surgical risk factors with a focus on common patient comorbid illnesses and review scoring systems to quantify risk.
Congenital lung lesions are numerous but rare in individual clinical practice. They do require close multidisciplinary collaboration between health care professionals. This educational review will focus on the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, surgical approaches, and anesthetic management of congenital anomalies of the large intrathoracic airways: congenital tracheal stenosis, tracheal agenesis, tracheal diverticulum, bronchial anomalies (tracheal, esophageal, or bridging bronchus), congenital lung malformations, lung sequestrations and Scimitar syndrome, lobar emphysema, Williams-Campbell syndrome, and pleuropulmonary blastoma. In addition, this review will illustrate common pitfalls and challenges related to the anesthesia management with emphasis on ventilation and correct endotracheal tube positioning.