Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2023
ReviewPerioperative gabapentin usage in pediatric patients: A scoping review.
There has been a recent focus among anesthesiologists on reducing the use of perioperative opioids in favor of multimodal analgesic regimens. Gabapentin has played an integral role in this evolution of practice. This comprehensive review assesses the current clinical evidence on the efficacy of perioperative gabapentin regarding postoperative pain and opioid requirements among the pediatric surgery population. ⋯ The current data on perioperative gabapentin in pediatric patients are insufficient to support the routine use of gabapentin in pediatric patients. Additional high-quality RCTs with more standardized protocols for gabapentin administration and outcome measures are necessary to provide more definitive conclusions.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2023
Observational StudyAdvanced wireless monitoring for children in the cardiac perioperative setting.
More than 40,000 children undergo surgical interventions annually for the treatment of congenital heart defects. Intraoperative and postoperative vital sign monitoring is a cornerstone of pediatric care. ⋯ Novel, wireless, flexible sensors demonstrated comparable performance to standard monitoring equipment in a cohort of pediatric patients with congenital cardiac heart defects undergoing surgery.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2023
ReviewError traps in Pediatric Patient Blood Management in the Perioperative Period.
Patient blood management is a patient-centered evidence-based approach to improve patient outcomes by harnessing the patient's own hematopoietic system to optimize blood health while promoting patient safety and empowerment. Perioperative patient blood management is a standard of care in adult medicine, yet it is not commonly accepted in pediatrics. ⋯ This article highlights five preventable perioperative blood conservation error traps for children. The goal is to provide practical clinical guidance to improve preoperative diagnosis and treatment of anemia, facilitate recognition and treatment of massive hemorrhage, reduce unnecessary allogeneic blood transfusions, and decrease associated complications of anemia and blood component transfusions utilizing a patient/family-centered informed consent and shared decision-making approach.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2023
Observational StudyIdentifying behaviors that characterize emergence delirium: An observational study.
Diagnostic criteria for emergence agitation are sensitive but not specific; they misclassify patients who are angry or upset as having emergence delirium. ⋯ Eight behaviors that differentiate pediatric dental patients with emergence delirium from those without were found. These discriminators may be used to develop a scale that will lead to better diagnosis and treatment of emergence delirium.