Disability and rehabilitation
This study aim was to evaluate whether the Extended International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke captured the interventions of a community stroke rehabilitation team situated in a large city in New Zealand. It was proposed that the results would identify the contribution of each discipline, and the gaps and differences in service provision to Māori and non-Māori. Applying the Extended International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke in this way would also inform whether this core set should be adopted in New Zealand. ⋯ The results support the use of the Extended International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke in New Zealand and demonstrates its use as a quality assurance tool that can evaluate the scope and practice of a rehabilitation service. Implications for Rehabilitation The Extended International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke appears to represent the stroke interventions of a community stroke rehabilitation team in New Zealand. As a result, researchers and clinicians may have increased confidence to use this core set in research and clinical practice. The Extended International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke can be used as a quality assurance tool to establish whether a community stroke rehabilitation team is meeting the functional needs of its stroke population.
The aim of this study was to describe experiences of attitudes in the society of Sierra Leone from the perspective of individuals with poliomyelitis and people with amputations using orthotic or prosthetic devices. ⋯ In Sierra Leone, people with disabilities face severe discrimination. They need to be included, recognized, and supported to a greater extent by the society, the community, and the family, as well as by the government and international organizations. Traditional beliefs have a negative impact on people with physical disabilities and are an important cause of discrimination in Sierra Leone. Prosthetic and orthotic devices are vital for people with physical disability and offer increased dignity. Prosthetic and orthotic services need to be accessible and affordable. Poverty affects access to education, employment, and health care for Sierra Leoneans with physical disabilities, forcing them to resort to begging to cover basic living needs. Implications for Rehabilitation In Sierra Leone, traditional beliefs related to disability and public attitudes need to change in order to protect the human rights of people with disabilities. Increased public awareness of disability and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at different levels in society is needed. To increase access to prosthetic and orthotic services in Sierra Leone, these services need to be affordable and related costs, such as transport, need to be covered by support. Increased access to education, employment, and financial support could contribute to an improved standard of living for people with physical disabilities. Governmental and international support is needed to decrease attitudinal and environmental barriers for people with disabilities in Sierra Leone.
Problems with access to outpatient physiotherapy services have been reported in publicly funded healthcare systems worldwide. A few studies have reported management strategies aimed at reducing extensive waiting lists, but their association with waiting times is not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to document access to public outpatient physiotherapy services for persons with musculoskeletal disorders in hospitals and explore organizational factors associated with waiting time. ⋯ Our findings provide evidence that a large number of persons wait a long time for publicly funded physiotherapy services in Quebec. Based on our results, implementation of a prioritization process with an initial evaluation and intervention could help improve timely access to outpatient physiotherapy services. Implications for Rehabilitation Access to publicly funded outpatient physiotherapy services is limited by long waiting times in a great proportion of Quebec's hospitals. The use of a specific prioritization process that combines an evaluation and an intervention could possibly help improve timely access to services. Policy-makers, managers, and other stakeholders should work together to address the issue of limited access to publicly funded outpatient physiotherapy services.
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Burn Injury Model Systems (BMS) is a nationwide database that uses patient-reported outcome measures to collect data. Though the outcome measures demonstrate good psychometric properties, the question remains whether or not these measures collect data that encompass the entire experience of burn patients over time. ⋯ This study suggests a need to revisit the item composition of the BMS assessments to more evenly distribute ICF topics and subtopics that are pertinent to burn injury which will ensure a broader but more precise understanding of burn injury recovery. Implications for Rehabilitation A better understanding of the data collected through the Burn Model Systems (BMS) project may contribute to improve data collection tools and ultimately lead to clinical practice innovations and improvements. Clinicians interested in using BMS data for research purposes can better understand what topics are included and excluded in the collection and what perspectives are addressed. This study highlights the need for burn clinicians around the world to lend their expertise to the WHO for the development of a much needed burn injury International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set.
The Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire is a patient reported outcome measure for evaluating upper limb function in people with musculoskeletal conditions. While the DASH has good psychometric properties when used with people with musculoskeletal conditions, it has not been tested with adults after stroke. ⋯ The DASH is considered to have acceptable validity when used with adults following stroke. Test-retest reliability was low but further research is needed to establish whether this is a result of condition-related change or the stability of the measure. Implications for Rehabilitation The DASH questionnaire examines upper limb function in task performance and appears to be a useful tool, which is simple to administer in the clinical setting with adults following stroke. Upper limb function post stroke can be meaningfully assessed using the DASH as it has good internal consistency and moderate concurrent validity. Rasch analysis and factor analysis suggests that the tool appears to consist of three subscales: pain, impact and function. The total score of the DASH may be less meaningful than the totals of these subscales. The test-retest reliability of the DASH requires further research; over a four-week period DASH stability was poor in a group of people with moderate to severe upper limb impairment.